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"To me, a real hero is the person who chooses the right the decision when the right decision is the hardest." -Mr. Feeny


"Wow," was all that left my mouth the minute we entered our little rented apartment. Since we were gonna stay here for two weeks, why waste the money on hotel when we can just rent our apartment. The apartment had its own pool and three rooms, a living room, a kitchen and two bathrooms. The floor we were staying in was the 26th floor, there was only 30 floors in the entire flat.

"How can you afford all of this?" I asked Aaron. I had money in the bank, the emergency money - remember? And I really wanted to put something in, that way Aaron wouldn't have to pay for everything on his own. His step mother came from a wealthy family and he told us that she wanted him to go on a vacation after everything that had been going on lately including him finding out about her tumor.

His dad was also really rich so that easily made Aaron a rich kid, exactly like his best friends. Technically, all of us were pretty loaded but none of us used any of it on anything - besides Katie of course, and now that we have something to use it on, we don't.

Does that make sense?

No, exactly. It's all because of Aaron. He ordered the tickets without us knowing anything about it, then he rented this apartment with his own money and I'm pretty sure he has planned the whole trip for us.

In the taxi on our way to the apartment, Katie kept squealing and Asher never put down his phone because he insisted he would take photos of everything. I'd tell Aaron to at least let me pay for the food but he would ignore me.

"I'm a rich kid, okay? And instead of wasting it on stupid drugs and stupid amusements park back home - why not use them on a trip with my best friends?" Aaron exclaimed.

''Don't you wish your best friend was the best like mine?'' Asher winked, giving his best friend a good pat on the back. Asher finished bringing all the suitcase into the rooms. ''So what's the plan?'' Katie asked while sucking on a lollipop that she received from out taxi driver. Let's just say that Asian people, adored her. Of course she would use them to get things like lollipops and other things and then just flick them off.


Poor taxi driver.

I was caught off guard when Aaron threw of his shirt, ''Well, I'm going to jump in the shower and I don't know about you guys but I'd suggest taking one too considering we've been out in the heat for quite a while.''

It really opened my nostrils to the hideous smell that came from my body. I scrunched my nose in disgust and started heading towards the other shower. Katie told me she would take a shower after and to hurry up which was no problem with me considering I only use ten minutes to shower before school.


Kuala Lumpur was so much more alive and wilder when it started to darken outside and when it was dark outside. After changing and applying sun screen, we all decided to get some food. Apparently Aaron had been to Malaysia before and he has friends from this area, including one of those who we were on our way to meet. His name was Adam and he was a good friend of his from the elementary school days.

We received a lot of stares while we were walking to the monorail station to head to an area named bukit bintang. They had a huge mall there with its own food court where you could find different types of food from around the world. Adam would be waiting at the monorail station there. Aaron and Katie was walking in front of us, and from what I could hear – they were talking about school and their ideal types which is normal talk for the both of them. I looked over at Asher who was in his own little world. His eyes was focused on his surroundings and he looked so nice from this point of view.

He was dressed in a polo t-shirt and shorts, just normal for any teenager to wear in the hotter season but why did he look so good in it. ''Quit checking me out,''

I snorted, ''Well, it's kind of hard to not-''

Asher raised an eyebrow, ''Oh, really?''

''How many times have I told you guys to not be all lovey dovey around me,'' Aaron whined, ''Countless of times – so stop!''

I spat out the gum that I had been chewing on and aimed for Aaron's head but Asher stopped me just before I managed to. The monorail came faster than expected so we reached our destination faster than expected too. The streets to pavilion mall was crowded and there was people from all over the world roaming around the streets. It was quite a sight, and it's not something I would've seen back home.

It's like all the countries was united in one area.

Aaron told us that his friend would be waiting at the Korean BBQ restaurant for us, it took us a while to find the exact location to it because the place was filled with Korean BBQ, but when Aaron waved his hand in the air - I knew he had found Adam.

From what I could see, Adam was very good looking. He had dark hair and eyes that matched his hair color. His smile was filled with joy and happiness and he seemed really nice when Aaron started a conversation with him. Adam looked over to the rest of us, and smiled widely. He shook Asher's hand the way all boys usually does, then he shook Katie's hand lightly and winked at her. Finally, his eyes landed on mine.

I stretched out my hand and smiled, "I'm Crystal,"

He nodded and grabbed my hand in his, "Well, hello. I'm Adam, but you already knew that, didn't you,"

I laughed, "Yeah, kind of did."

"Nice to meet you, Crystal. I can see why your name is crystal, you're just like one."

This guy has already made a perfect first impression.

After all the introducing, we started ordering some food. Adam ordered the food for us considering that none of us had ever eaten Korean BBQ before. Adam was half Korean and Half Malay, so his taste buds were pretty much everything.

I started digging into the food as soon as it finished grilling.

"So yo, Adam." Aaron nudged Adam in the ribs. "Tell me how to get one of these Malaysian girls,"

Katie laughed loud, "You can't even get American girls, how are you supposed to get Malaysian girls?"

I snickered at this, while Aaron mimicked Katie in a goofy way. Adam swallowed his food before talking, "Watch the king,"

We all watched as Adam walked towards one of the tables with some girls in it. He took a seat next to a brunette and started talking to her. Since the majority of Malaysians are Muslims, I knew that girls weren't as easy to get here like in America but I'm guessing the girl he was talking to wasn't Malay because suddenly they started making out. Hard core, making out.

"I want that," Aaron told us. Asher frowned at him, "You want to do what Adam did with that girl?"

"No, what Adam did with that girl - I don't have the lung capacity for." Aaron responded earning a chuckle from me. "I want girls to fall for me quickly, just like they did for Adam,"

Asher wrapped an arm around my shoulder, "Yeah, well that's gonna take a lot of time for someone like you,"

This is the type of friendship you wanted me to envy, Asher?

So the night went on, with all of us enjoying our little Korean barbecue in the foreign county that people call Malaysia.

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