Daisuga: Beach // part 2

Start from the beginning

"I expect the ocean creatures to be respectful," he says. Suga wraps his arms around Daichi's neck.

"Well, you might have been being disrespectful to them. Like you might have been stepping on where that animal lived." Suga's expression is thoughtful.

"I guess maybe. But now you have to carry me because I obviously cannot be trusted to walk around in the ocean and not step on somebody's house." Suga smiles at Daichi as Daichi takes Suga and carries him bridal style. It isn't much work though; the gray-haired boy is mostly underwater.

"Now who's the loser?" Daichi teases. Suga throws his head back dramatically.

"I know! I am the biggest loser ever!" He makes a mock sad face.

"But you're my biggest loser."



After spending a while in the ocean, the two lovers eventually head back out onto the sand. Suga applies more sunscreen and Daichi lies down to tan. They carry on a casual conversation, but little did Daichi know, Suga was digging a large pit in the sand.

((Okay this part is dedicated to my man Robert, you should get a wattpad account and follow me ;) I'm doing this for you))

"Um, what are you doing, Suga?" Daichi asks when he notices his boyfriend's odd actions.

"Oh!" Suga looks up at him and smiles. "This is for you. I'm going to bury you in the sand," he says as if it's an everyday thing.

"Must you?" Daichi sighs.

"Don't worry, you can rinse off in the ocean after!" Suga pouts when he sees Daichi's unamused expression. "Please?" Daichi looks at the ground and smiles.

The things I have to put up with to be with this guy, he thinks. But when he looks up and sees Suga's hopeful face, he remembers that it's all worth it.

"Okay, fine, but you owe me." Suga claps his hands together excitedly.

"Well, come on, get in," he says when Daichi doesn't move. Daichi smoothly slides into the shallow pit. Immediately Suga starts pilling sand onto his legs. Soon, Daichi's entire bottom half is buried in the sand.

"Wait, are you doing my whole body?" he asks.

"What did you think, silly? Well, everything but your head. That wouldn't be good for your health." Suga smiles as he starts to pile sand onto Daichi's chest.

Why did I agree to this? Daichi thinks. He sighs. Suga looks really happy though; who knew a grown man could get so much joy from burying his lover in the sand. So, Daichi just lays his head back and relaxes. Once he is covered up to his neck, Suga makes a little headrest for him out of sand.

"Can I get out yet?" Daichi asks.

"No! What's the fun in this if you just get out right after I'm done?" Suga smirks at him. Daichi just sighs and rolls his eyes. Soon, though, Suga climbs on top of the buried Daichi, straddling him. He leans down for kiss and when he pulls away, Daichi speaks up with a question.

"Um, Suga, is this some kind of weird bondage? We're out in public." He nervously laughs, just knowing that the others on the beach are judging them.

"I know. I just wanted to kiss you." Suga leans down for another kiss, and another, and another. After their fifth or something kiss, Suga clambers off Daichi and starts helping him out of the sand.

"I've had my fun," Suga says, smirking. They lay on the beach a little longer, holding hands and talking. Once the sun dips below the condos behind them and they become shrouded in the shadows, they start to pack up and leave.

"Do I look tanner to you?" Daichi holds out his arm for Suga to examine.

"Yeah, definitely. What about me?"

"Um, you just look a little redder," Daichi admits. Suga hangs his head and sighs.

"Of course. It's always the same." Daichi laughs at his boyfriend.

"You're still beautiful, though." They go out to dinner that night at a nice restaurant. When they get back, it's already around 9:00pm.

"Hey, can we go to the beach for the sunrise tomorrow?" Suga asks, just as Daichi knew he would.

"Definitely. We should probably go to bed early if we want to get up and walk that early though," Daichi says reasonably.

"But it'll be nice because we will have more time to hang around the place before we have to leave," Suga says with a smile.

"Of course." They get ready for bed, both taking showers and rinsing all the sand off. They both fall asleep relatively quickly, exhausted from playing in the water.


Daichi and Suga sit on the beach, a few minutes before sunrise. The sun's glow shines over the horizon, but the sun itself cannot yet be seen. Daichi nervously fiddles his fingers. Both of them are still hazy, so there isn't much conversation. Sugawara's head is resting on Daichi's shoulder, and Daichi has his arm around the other man. Soon, they see the crest of the sun emerge over the sea. Suga's head perks up, and a smile forms on his face. Daichi stands up, holding his hand out for Suga. They intertwine their hands, watching the red star rise from the ocean. The sky is washed over with every color you can imagine, back behind them it's still a dark blue and in front of them red, yellow, orange, purple, and pink all blend together.

"It's beautiful, Daichi." A soft smile rests on Sugawara's lips. Daichi admires the sunrise, but then turns his attention to his boyfriend. Suga's face seems to glow, the sun reflecting in his brown eyes. Daichi realizes a smile has crept onto his face as he was looking at Sugawara.

Daichi takes his hand from Suga's. Suga turns his head to look at Daichi, and gasps at what he sees. Daichi is kneeling at Suga's feet. He opens a small box with a shining ring in it.

"Sugawara Koushi. Even though, I have only known you since high school, it feels like I have loved you for an eternity. And I know, that I want to be with you for an eternity. So, will you give me the honor of becoming your husband?" Tears are streaming down Suga's face. He's biting his lip, trying not to scream out.

"Of course. Of course. Of course, of course!" Daichi reaches for Sugawara's hand, while Suga's other one is clasped over his mouth. Daichi smoothly slides the ring onto Suga's finger and swiftly stands up to kiss his fiancé. Suga wraps his arms around Daichi's neck pulling him as close as he can.

"Of course."


Oikawa's head turns toward the sunrise, only to see two figures sitting in the sand.

"Don't tell me that's Sugawara and Daichi again?" he says, a small laugh on his lips. Iwaizumi looks at the two figures closer.

"Probably. Suga has a thing for sunrises, right?"

"Haha yeah. Oh, they're getting up," Oikawa observes. Iwaizumi and Oikawa watch the figures closely. After a few minutes of looking at the sunrise, the taller one drops down on one knee. Iwaizumi gasps.

"Wow, that's cheesy. Proposing at sunrise. Sunrise is too early to do anything," Oikawa mocks.

"Well, then why are we up?" Iwaizumi inquires. It really wasn't his idea to be up this early. The two figures on the beach embrace after the one standing nodded vigorously and the taller one gave him the ring. Oikawa blushes a little.

"Well, maybe I, too, had something to ask you." Iwaizumi quickly turns around, only to see his beautiful boyfriend down on one knee, a ring in his hand.

There we go!! Hope you liked it :) I'm actually really proud of this one. Thanks for reading!

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