Chapter Two "Birthday surprises"

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POV: Cammie
I awake to a tingly feeling all over my body, opening my eyes i blink trying to make sense of what i was seeing and feeling. Sparkles filled the air around me and i felt charged with electricity. As i move the tingles get stronger and I start to panic.
"Mom, Dad" i yell shrinking back into my bed, feeling my heart starting to race
The door burst open as my parents rushed in "what wrong....Oh Cammie" they stop away from the bed unable to come closer. "Darling you need to relax and breath slowly, your charging the air around you, our water element will just set you off further until you calm down" mom said.
"Mum i'm trying but i'm scared"
I heard Dad leave the room and in seconds he was back with an old record player "Poppet just listen to the music and try to breath in time with the beat, we will be right here with you just try to relax"
I stared at the ceiling and tried to focus on the music and do as instructed and gradually i felt the tingle slow and stop, the sparkles in the surround air disappeared and i was able to move without panic.
"Whats wrong with me" I asked turning to my side and looking at my parents
"Darling i don't know but we will find out, we just need to try to keep you calm whilst we work out how to manage your gifts" they said
"What should i do now, am i dangerous?"
"No, get up and dressed and we will have breakfast, its your birthday and this will not spoil it" mom replied "We just need you to let us know if the feeling comes back" Dad added smiling as me.
"I love you guys and your right, i will let you know if i feel anything, i'll get dressed and see you downstairs"
"We love you to Cammie, Happy Birthday" and with that they left the room.
I rolled out of the bed and crossed to the mirror, looking at myself critically feeling that everything was about to go wrong. Shaking my head at my dark thoughts i quickly washed and dressed and made my way downstairs to breakfast.

Bound to Them (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora