"Just shift all ready!" I laughed. 

"Aw! Why?" He pouted.

I crossed arms.

"Fine," He said, and started to shift. It was actually quite beautiful to watch. It all happened very quickly though. Once you have your first shift, it is usually fast and painless. I watched as his body grew and his skin stretched. His face elongated into a snout and his ears changed shape and moved to the top of his head. His bones rearranged under his skin to resemble the posture of his wolf. His skin split and fur sprouted out from the cracks. His eyes changed colors, which was rare. They shifted into a blue-violet shade instead of his normal grey-blue color. They made him look really awesome.

I waited for him to kneel down to let me climb up and when I did, I heard movement in the bushes. "Damen."

I know. Hunters. Hold on!

I gripped his fur firmly as he broke out into a full blown sprint. My body shook with fear as we moved farther and farther from my pack lands. I knew what he was doing though. He was trying to keep my pack safe. The last thing we needed was to have any hunters on our land. Its a risk to all of the newly mated couples. "Crap!" I yelled as he tripped and I fell to the ground.

Damen whined, limping. Shift, Myra! Try to shift into your wolf! And run!

 I yanked of my clothes and stuffed them in the bag. I concentrated hard and tried to shift. No pain. Thats a good sign. Seconds later, Damen started running.

Follow me! Your a wolf. Come on!

I snatched the bag with my teeth and sprinted in his direction, internally cheering. Every time my front paws hit the ground, I winced. They were sprained from when I fell. After a few minutes, I glanced over my shoulder, relieved to say that there were no more hunters following us. Damen. I think we are okay!

They're crafty. Let's go another mile or two. 

I nipped at his ankles, playfully. I could feel our tension lessoning. When should we head to my pack lands? I asked, dodging a few trees.

Soon, He replied simply. His wolf was starting to fall behing and I slowed to a trot so that he could catch up.

I shifted back into my human form and sat down. "I'm tired," I said. "And hungry. We left our food at our last campsite." I pulled on some clothes.

He bent down to let me climb onto his back again. I know. We are going to start heading toward your pack lands. Due west, right?

I laughed and leaned forward, letting his silky fur run over my face. "Mmhhmm. Ima try to sleep, okay?"

He didn't reply so I took this as a que to relax. I sniffed his scent in and sighed happily. Ours. Forever, My wolf gleefully reminded me. I slowly slipped into a deep sleep.

Dad? Dad! Oh no! Dad! The hunters. They killed him. I turned to Damen angrily. This is YOUR fault! I screamed, pointing my finger at him.

He smiled sadistically. Bye Myra! He waved, leaving me to cry by my fathers side.

Why? Why? Why? Why? "Why? Why?"

I woke up to a ton af shaking. "Myra! Myra, Wake up! What's- ack!"

I blinked, dazed. I began to shake with terror. "You killed him!" I screamed, pushing Damen away from me. Hot fury burned my cheeks

"What?" His eyes were filled with hurt and he fell soft. "Killed who? I didn't kill anyone! Well- nevermind."

"You killed-!" I paused. "Oh."

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