Chapter 12

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It was Sunday already that means that I was asleep all day regaining all the blood I lost the hours. I still had bullets in me right now all I want is my life to be normal, oh and the files are a bunch of people that yes I need to kill. My life is always so funny because I can never tell any body and I kill people almost daily well I should probably get going on that all though I am my own boss when it comes to timing but I need a work out. It's one of the biggest secrets I have.

I got up to hear silence for once, I reached for my computer and transferred the files onto my USB. Taking the computer with me I went out into the forest and into my camouflaged gym to work out and use my computer as target practice.

When I walked out a few hours later I was surrounded by huge wolfs I could not explain anything right now. They all turned into humans at the same time and came over to me.

"Miss Quinn we would like to invite you to a ball at The white moon pack house." I stared at him. "How long have you guys been out here?" He looked at me and said,

"About 2 hours." I looked at him shocked.

"You want to come in have something to eat anything?" He smiled. "No no just answer if you will go or not and we will be off." I smiled at him.

"Of course I'll go." They left so i walk to my bathroom, I unbandaged myself and looked at the damage.

It was really bad but it stopped bleeding great. I still have to take the bullets out. I looked closer and they were gone I thought he left them in. I a new bandage on and went to my moms closet to find something for the ball. I was half way to my moms door when my door bell rang I rushed down there and found an envolope on the step that said 'the ball' on it. I placed it on my kitchen table and went back upstairs.

I looked for about 10 minuets until I found a really pretty black silk. strapless dress. I put it on and it fit perfectly now shoes. I looked through box after box until I found a pair of black high heels. I slide them on and thank god my mom was the same size I was. I looked at myself and I looked ok I guess I mean I don't want to brag.

I took off the dress and shoes and put my normal clothes on and went down stairs to open the envelope.

Dear Caroline

The ball will start at 7:00 at my house and wear something really pretty like you always do a limo will be there at 6:45 sharp I will see you later.

love Austin

I put it back in the envelope and looked at the time it was 3:00 great I have 4 hours. I grabbed my keys to my cheap little car that my mom bought me and went to get my hair done. Then my makeup.

Once that was done I looked at the clock in my car it was 5:24 ok good still have time. I went home and did my nails just a French manicure. Once I was done I ate something light and by that time it was 6:15 so I started to get ready.

I looked at myself in my moms full length mirror and my hair was just the right curlyness and everything just came together I put some of my moms jewelry and looked at myself. I heard the limo honk outside and I ran out. There was someone holding the door for me.

The ride there was so long it was probably because I was so nervous.

I thanked the limo driver and walked into the house. There was no one there but Austin standing in the middle of the huge open room. He smiled as I came into the room. I smiled at the floor as he walked towards me and led me into the big ball room when I noticed everyone was there. I suddenly got pushed forward and detached from Austin when at that point noticed what he looked like. He looked great in a tucks. I was getting pulled by some guy that I didn't know and we were going towards a door that led outside. I refused to go any father so he picked me up and carried me out into the woods around the house.

Once we were about 3 miles away from the house he stopped in a clearing and turned around to face me. That's when I noticed he was my father.

"Dad?" He smiled and nodded. "I thought you died." I started crying as I was so happy to actually have a family member.

"I did not die I haven't seen you in so long how are you doing?" I looked at him and remembered that he divorced my mom when I was 8 and that was the last time I saw him.

"Dad I'm doing great I'm a wolf now and I have a mate and I know your alive now so I'm doing pretty good." He looked at me with regret. "I was the white wolf that looked at you the other day I just was to nervous to talk to you cause you grew up so fast." I looked to my right to see Austin in wolf form running at my dad with furry in his eyes.

I stood in front of my dad and yelled.

"AUSTIN STOP!!!!!!!!!!!" Austin stopped right infront of me, he pushed into my head 'why are you defending him?' I looked up at him since he was so tall but I couldn't see his face so I grabbed it and brought it down so he looked into my eyes. "He's my dad Austin."

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