Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Caroline get down here your gonna be late." My Mom always rushed me in the morning.

"Ya ya, I'm coming." I ran down stairs and grabbed an apple. Then I kissed my Mom and my baby sister, Annabel.

"Good-bye Annabel," I whispered, and she giggled at me as I left out the door. I didn't live to far away from school, so I was able to walk.

Ah school, the one thing that is a bitch to me. You see, I'm not the cool kinda person. Actually, I'm invisible to every student and teacher in this school, and thank god for that. I have the popular appeal of a sock puppet... if you know what I mean.

The bell finally rang signifying the start of class... yay.

After class, everybody in the room evacuated like it had a bomb secured under the teachers desk, of course, I waited so my tiny body wouldn't get smashed. The football field in the back of the school was calling my name, my lungs breathed in the fresh air as I sat down under the shade of a small tree to read my book, 'The shy Girl Has A Gun'. So far, it was my favorite book but I hadn't gotten to the end yet, then I will decide.

 When the warning bell rang, I pealed myself away from the book, and headed back into the stuffy school, enjoying my last breath of fresh air the heavy metals doors closed behind me, locking me into this prison for a few more hours.

I walked back home up the drive way slowing my pace as I saw a black BMW parking in the lane way. Walking past I took a peak in the windows seeing now one, I continued towards my front door. Pushing it open I yelled out to my mom announcing my arrival.

"Hey Mom, I'm home. Whats up with the new car?..." No one answered. "Mom.....You up there?.......Mom?!" "MOM!?!?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, but still there was no answer. All of a sudden, there was movement by the island in the kitchen. There was a man sitting there looking through papers.

"Miss Caroline Quinn.....," Before he could finish I reached to my right and grabbed the umbrella from the umbrella holder. Holding it up as a sword the man smiled as if I was a silly child. 

"Who are you?" I said. He stood there still smiling at me until grief shadowed his face. 

"Don't shoot the messenger. I am here to inform you that your mother, father and baby sister Annabel have been in a car crash..... They didn't make it," he looked down as if that would make the news easier. "I am so sorry Caroline..." A complete strangers apologies and grief did nothing for the complete shock I was in. 

My umbrella fell right out of my hand, he walked over towards me hesitated as if he was expecting me to hug him and cry into a stranger. 

"Thank you, I'll walk you out." I turned around and opened the door seeing as I was right in front of it. Closing the door behind him not waiting to make sure he gets into his car, I walked over to the kitchen and sat down at the island. I could not stop the tears from pouring down my face. I sat there for hours becoming dehydrated thinking of the memories and the times that me and Annabel could have had. The times I got stolen from me, that she got stolen from her. I would never be able to hug her or my mom again. 

I lifted my face up to grab a tissue and that's when I noticed the note and the USB to the left of the tissue box, the note read;

'Dear Caroline,

I will probably be gone by the time you read this, but on this USB is one of the most important things that will ever happen in your life. But you can only read this after you have something extraordinary happen to you. Just remember I didn't ask for this to happen, and neither did you, but remember I love you.'

Love, Mom

P.S. Don't take revenge.'

I pondered over her last words. Revenge....

My blood began to boil and my tears dried up, leaving my cheack salty and tight.



Hey guys just started rewriting this book. I read it over and holy crap I was a crappy writer when I was in grade 7 haha. Anyways enjoy again.

Thanks, love you guys


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