Chapter 38

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I saw him look up and I knew he sensed me here I just didn't want him to see me all burnt and swollen and I really did need to know if the spells had worked. I slowly got up and peaked over the edge of the bed still seeing austin there but this time he was curled up in a ball with my pillow still to his chest and his face still sunk deep into it.

Lightly sitting down on the bed I stared at him feeling very guilty for causing so much pain. I lightly put my hand on his black sleeve covered arm. His whole body got stiff as he figured out who it was. I uncovered my sent and his body relaxed. Taking his face out of the pillow he turned to me and I brought him into a hug. It was one of those hugs where you just want to be so near someone and you never want to let go.

He pushed me away and I wiped away all the tears. When his eyes stopped being blurry he realized what I actually looked like. With my dingy hair that was burn at the ends, my red burn skin, and my red tired eyes man I was a mess today.

"W..what happened?" He asked as his hands hovered over my face and I winced away afraid he would touch it.

"Um I uh got rid of him and the reason why I didn't want to see you for two days is because it would take me some days to look presentable and I needed to see if it had worked." I said gingerly to make him understand.

"Presentable? Caroline you are always presentable to me you are always beautiful." He was about to touch my arms and kiss me but I lifted myself painfully off the bed to avoid the pain he would cause me. He looked pained but I just lifted up the seam of my shirt showing all the bandages wrapped around my stomach.

I put it back down when his eyes scanned them. I had no idea what emotions served through me. Guilt, doubt, fear, sadness? I had no idea.

"Austin are you ok?" He hadn't said anything. He looked towards me and his mouth was still hung open in shock.

"How is the baby?" I laughed it hadn't grown much so I was sure its fine.

"Austin I'm sure it's fine if you want I can go get it checked out." He nodded and I new it gave him some peace. I picked up the phone about to call my doctor how was I gonna pay for all these doctor appointments? Austin took the phone from me and turned it off.

"We have a pack doctor he can take care of everything." He almost grabbed my hand but stopped realizing all the lovely bandages.

"Austin I can't right now the burn will hurt to much." I tear fell down my cheek just imagining the pain that thing would cause. My burns were to serious right now they need to heal.

He nodded and I fallowed Austin downstairs finding it completely clean.

"Wow Chris did a good job in here." Austin stopped and tensed up.

"Who's Chris?" I laughed a little.

"Jeez relax cranky, your beta he ugh found me yesterday right after the spells and stuff and he helped to clean up and he put me in bed to heal. Then he cleaned up down stairs, the next day when I called you that's how he knew where I was." He had stopped being tense and relaxed on the couch. I looked at the tv remembering that a shard of the bowl had got stuck in it. I looked at it seeing a note stuck on it.

'Caroline sorry I couldn't fix the tv it's kind a hard' I smiled and placed the note on the table and laying flat on my back on the floor feeling the coldness soak through my clothes.

I sighed and yawned I wanted to sleep again I was still do tired.

"If your still tired you should go to bed." I shook my head and curled up in a ball.

"I'm too comfy right here to move." I heard a laugh an the couch creaked. I looked over to find him laying down but staring at me.

"You gonna watch me sleep?" He nodded.

"Well that's creepy." We both laughed as I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

It was peaceful there was no red eyes, no attacker, nothing just absolute peace. I had normal dreams all the tall tales that existed in my head were finally let out from behind throes red eyes. It was perfect.

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