Chapter 6

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:At home: So I finally got home and watched the movie scary movie it made me laugh so much. He walked through the door when they were saying whaaaatsssss uuuuuuuppppppp! And he just laughed at me.

Austin's pov

:at the mall: I looked around for another hour and still couldn't find her or even smell her for that matter, so I guessed that she went home.

:At home: I opened the door and her laughter filled the house like it was sound prof. I looked at her and smiled. I sighed and she seemed to notice, she looked at me. "What?" She looked so cute when she was confused. I looked at the clock it was 7:22 pm, I sat down on the other side of the couch and stared at her as she laughed through the whole movie. After the movie was done she got up and turned off the tv. We sat there for a while until she spoke. "So who are you exactly hmm?" I looked at her and said what she needed me to say. "I am Austin Am....." She interrupted me, "I know who you are just why are you following me around every where?" She looked at me and raised her eyebrows. "Well I'm following you because you are my mate and I need to protect you, that's why I need you to come home and live with me." She looked at me shocked and bored. "Well ok um one thing I'm not leaving this house I have nothing left from my family and I am close to school this way. Also I can take care of myself and... get up... and do you really need to protect me I have a machete in my pillow?" I just smiled.

Caroline's pov

"I told you to get up." He looked at me puzzled but did as I asked. "Come here." He came closer. I put my arms around him and hugged him for about a minute until he actually put his arms around me. I had no idea what came over me but I needed him close. He was so warm and like a frigen brick wall. After a while I started to relax and I got out of his grasp and was going to walk up the stairs. He pulled me back to him and moved me on to the couch. Why can't I resist this guy? He was now laying on top of me kissing my neck softly, I can't miss another day of school though. "Austin your gonna have to stop." I said in a really calm and stuttery voice. He sighed against my skin. "Ok, but now you owe me." I was confused what did I owe him for? "You owe me for getting me like this..." He pointed to his crotch and I laughed (I think you can figure out what that meant) "I guess I do owe you but in time." I went to bed telling him he could stay in the guest room if he wanted. I woke up at 5:30 like always and got ready for school. I brushed my hair got on my sweater and a pair of black skinny jeans, got my books ready and grabbed an apple. I got to school in under 5 mins. My school day was a regular school day except there was a hole, something was missing. I needed him, after school I ran as fast as I could and opened the door slamming it behind me. All I could hear was the echo of the door bouncing off the empty white walls. I walked a couple feet and put my bag down on the white couch and slowly walked down the hall to the guest room. I listened, there was nothing so I slowly opened the door and there was no one in it. I still didn't know where Austin was. Wait I can smell him out, I sniffed but his smell was no where to be found. I went outside and started running in my human form, I looked up and saw him sitting on the swing in the front I his house. He looked so childish swinging there. I went around to the back of him and started swinging the opposite way. When I got high enough I went right towards him and that's when he looked at me as I wizzed by. But it felt like slow mo as I jumped off and so did he. It was like synchronized swinging. I ran to the field and never looked back. I just kept running, "umpf." Never mind.

A/N wow i didnt realize how short this chapter was haha sorry

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