Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Put that down," Matteo snaps, pointing at me as if I were doing something wrong. I blink, holding a box of Charles favorite books. We're outside of Eddie's apartment. Eddie is standing at the door, watching us. I'm itching to see Charles but I know I'm not supposed to. I know I could get in trouble with the courts if he tells them I even asked.

Matteo grabs the box from my hands. "Em, I told you to stay in the car."

"Yeah, there's no way you're doing all this by yourself." Since Eddie won't lift a fucking finger, I ignore him. I grab another one, the box with Charles high-top seat and Matteo goes purple. I walk past him, making my way up the stairs. I feel Eddie's eyes on me as I scoot my way past him.

"You got a bathroom around here?" Matteo asks casually as I walk out towards the car again. I hear Eddie tell him where it is and my heart races. I stall near the car as long as I can before I grab the comforters and pillows for Charles.

I look down as I walk into the kitchen, finding Eddie leaning against the counter, drinking from that same water bottle he had from the last time we were here.

"Damn, you must really be loaded to have all this stuff for him."

I don't answer him and he chuckles.

"I mean, that must have been the perk of marrying him, right? He's insanely rich."

I can't keep my mouth shut. "I didn't marry him for his money."

"Yeah, of course, that's what you're supposed to say."

"It's what I mean. He's more than his money."

"Maybe you don't know everything about him. He's got a pretty dark past, did some pretty shitty things."

"I know everything about him," I snap, glaring at him.

He holds up his hands, sniffling. "Alright, alright. To each his own."

I hear Matteo come out of the bathroom, walking down the hall. He appears and looks at me, though he gives nothing away. "The bed. You'll have to assemble it again."



"Well, that's weird. What kind of bed needs assembling?"

I look at Matteo, raising a brow.

"I believe most do," Matteo answers through his teeth.

Eddie turns, wiping his counter. "Well, you already did it. Couldn't you just set it up quick before you leave? Since you already know how to do it?"

Matteo chuckles and I look over at him, my heart faltering.

Oh no.

Matteo tucks a strand of hair behind his ear before pointing at him. "You know, Edward, you're kind of a fucking asshole and I've had just about enough of it."

Oh fuck.

Eddie stands ridged, before he turns, just enough to look between us. I'm barely breathing. "What did you just say?"

"I said you're an asshole. My wife and I are going beyond to try and make this move as smooth as it can be for Charles and you have the audacity to belittle her? Belittle me? Honestly, why the hell did you ask for Charles if you're completely unwilling to try and care for him? What was it? Money, benefits?"

"Matteo," I whisper cautiously.

"And if it was?" Eddie questions, straightening. "It doesn't fucking matter because you lost the case. And sitting here and starting something with me isn't going to change that."

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