Part of Me -- Jasper Hale -- 1

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--The Cullen’s Home (Forks, Washington)-- 

“Where’s Alice?” Bella asked.

“She said she wanted to hunt alone tonight,” Jasper replied from the couch. Esme sat next to him sketching renovation plans for their new house. 

“Esme, all the bags are packed,” Emmett entered the house with Rosalie following.

“Carlisle and I made the school arrangements,” Edward announced coming downstairs holding Renesmee. 

“Perfect,” Carlisle said coming down stairs.

“Carlisle, why are we moving to New York?” Bella asked timidly. They all knew that they looked to young to stay in Forks, but no one except Esme, Alice and Edward knew why he chose Rochester. 

“His younger sister lives there,” Esme told her.

“Carlisle, you have a younger sister who is a vampire?” Bella asked. 

He nodded, “She was turned not too long after I was. I never knew she was still alive until I was living with the Volturi.”

Bella and Renesmee made and ‘O’ shape with their lips. 

“Is she a doctor?” Renesmee asked. 

“She actually has a very important job,” Edward told his daughter.

“What is it?” Renesmee questioned. 

“She is a lawyer for vampires. Basically, she defends the innocent vampires from suffering the Volturi’s punishment,” Carlisle answered.

“Is she a good lawyer?” Jasper asked.

“Excellent. If winning arguments isn’t her affinity, I wouldn’t know what is,” Carlisle chuckled. 

“Why haven’t we ever heard of her before?” Bella asked. 

“She’s extremely busy,” Carlisle replied. “Lately, most of the people she’s seen are guilty and she refuses to help them - so her work hasn’t been as hectic.”

Jasper’s phone rang during the conversation and he went out to the porch to answer. “Alice?”

“Jasper this is extremely important,” Alice breathed.

“What?” He asked ready to protect his wife.

“You can’t follow me. Or have Emmett find me. I have to go.”

“Where are you going?” Jasper asked taken back by her request.

“That’s not important now. I’m stopping myself from ruining something for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Jasper, please, trust me. I might return, but you have to forget me and stay strong.”

“Alice, where-”

“Please, Jasper, promise you won’t give up.”

“I promise,” Jasper sighed.

“There is a note in our room, read it. It’ll explain a few more things, and Jasper I’ll always love you, but I want you to be happy.”

“Alice, you make me happy-”

“Jasper, please don’t make this any harder than it needs to be. Just read the note and stay strong,” Alice whispered before hanging up. 

Jasper slipped upstairs without disturbing the ongoing conversation. He was anxious, but tried not to project it onto the family. 

Once he reached the room which was clearly more of Alice’s than his, he saw some papers on the bed. There was a note on top of them:


I’ll always love you - never forget that, but you won’t be happy with me. You’ve done nothing and I’ve done nothing wrong. I had a vision and you have to trust me and stay strong. We have to split up. It’s really hard for me, I love you, but I’ve seen us being happy even if we aren’t with each other. I knew if I didn’t tell you we’d eventually hate each other. Please sign the papers. I’ll promise I’ll visit when the future is set right. It’s for the best. 

Love always, Alice

Under the note were divorce paper’s set up by Alice. Jasper was torn, but knew Alice was always truthful to him. He signed the papers even if it broke his heart. 

Alice was confusing, but in the end what she saw always made sense. He just hoped he would do the right thing not even knowing what that was. 

He snuck out of the house to deliver the papers making the split up official. Edward knew what had happened. Jasper could tell when he arrived home that Edward knew what had happened. 

Of course, Jasper didn’t know if he read his mind or read Alice’s before she left. 

The door opened once Jasper returned downstairs. Jacob, Leah and Seth arrived. They were moving with them, but in a separate house. Jacob and Renesmee would have a hard time being on separate coasts with the whole imprinting ordeal. 

Alice’s P.O.V.

This was a tough decision for me. On one side, I could be selfish and not tell Jasper what would happen, but that would lead him to doing something horrible and we would end up getting a divorce. On the other side - the one I chose - I told him that we had to split up so we could be happy. 

I just hoped I made the right decision. I was running around the American/Canadian border. I was technically in Canada searching for something I had yet to see. 

I didn’t know what would happen to me. All I knew was what Jasper would do and splitting up would make us happier. 

Edward knew that Jasper and I would split up. He was around when I had the vision. I made him promise not to tell Jasper. We’d always been a team - Edward and I -  the freaks among freaks knowing things we shouldn’t know.

I would miss them all. I said I would return, and once I figured out what my fate was, I would return. 

I was lucky I could see this vision. Usually the mutts block my visions, but this was only Jasper and the other person. 

I didn’t resent them because I knew I would move on to, but it made me sad that I was losing Jasper. I would have to love him like a best friend now. I think I could be able to handle that.

These visions will be the death of me.

Part of Me -- Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now