(Winter) Chapter 43

Start from the beginning

"Ah, she's right," Fūrin drank from his chocolate drink-in-a-can. "We've never been to your house before but you went to ours a few times. It's kinda unfair, Hinacchi."

"Eh? My house isn't that big and it's an apartment," she sweat-drops. "The kitchen is small, as well"

"No problem, Hinako-chan!" Marie winks. "I've always wanted to see where you live!"

"Same here. Is it all right if we come over after school?" Fūrin asks.

Hinako was surprised at the sudden turn of events. Although, she felt happy to have friends over her place. The last time she had a visitor was Gil and he has been the frequent visitor of her home. Having Marie and Fūrin visit is a first but on the inside, Hinako is happy to have other people visit her.

With a smile, Hinako said, "Sure. I'd love to have you guys around."

Wide smiles spread across Marie and Fūrin's lips. They felt happy to be able to come over at Hinako's place after school.

February 13, 2017 - After School

"I understand that you have plans for today, Hinako-san," Asura said with a smile. She was the only person inside the student council room, preparing for a meeting that will be held in 30 minutes. "Could you sign here? It's the attendance sheet."

Asura gave Hinako a clipboard with a sheet of paper attached to it. Hinako signed her signature under the 'Absent' column.

"Let me guess, Hinako-san," Asura smiles, placing the back of her right hand under her chin. "Making chocolates for tomorrow's valentine's day?"

Hinako finishes signing her signature on the sheet and looks at her senior, both of her hands in the front. "Yes. My friend wants me to help her make some chocolates. We'll be doing it at my house."

"I see. That sounds nice, Hinako-san," she closes her eyes. "Are you going to make some for Gil-kun?"

Hinako was surprised when Gil's name was mentioned. For a moment there, she forgot that he and Asura used to go out. She can't help but feel a little awkward, especially when she and Gil already shared their first kiss.

"Souji-senpai, I..." Hinako looks down. Then, she bows her head. "I'm so sorry!"

Asura opens her eyes, wide-eyed. She looks up at Hinako and asks, "W-Why are you apologizing, Hinako-san?"

Hinako raises her head but still averts the blond-headed upperclassman's eyes. "I know how much Gil-senpai means to you. A-And because of me, I got in the way of you two getting back together. I'm sorry, Souji-senpai."

Asura blinks a few times before chuckling under her breath. Hinako was confused, finding the courage to look at her upperclassman, who was smiling.


"My apologies," Asura places her right hand over her mouth, stifling her chuckle. "but you don't have to say sorry about this, Hinako-san. It's already in the past and I can see how Gil cares for you, as much as you care for him. I think you two are a great match and I am rooting for your growing relationship."

Hinako blushes at Asura's statement. "Senpai..."

Asura stands up and takes her lowerclassman's hands. "When you make chocolates, always think of the person you want to give those to. Take it from me, Hinako-san," she smiles.

Hinako felt relief, seeing as how she and Asura are all right. In her heart, she promises to take care of Gil no matter what it takes.

Fate/Stay Gakuen | Gilgamesh x OC: Hinako Suzuhana (AU)Where stories live. Discover now