"Thanks Money," she replies. As they leave the bathroom and head back to class, Sevyn's head is whirling. Who is gossiping about her behind her back and why are they targeting her. She figures they're just hating on her because she has the boy all the girls want.

But as the days go on, Sevyn can't help but notice the air of change at school. People who she used to say hi to or have small conversations with in class have stopped saying hi to her. The girls constantly give her dirty looks and the boys make sly remarks behind her back.

Everyday she tries to pretend like it doesn't bother her but when she goes home her mind is filled with confusion. She thought having Janine and Keenan out her life would make things better, especially since her and Jackson are together. But it feels more like people are shunning her and turning their backs on her. She isn't sure what rumors have been going around about her but its like everyone knows about them except her.

One day when she's at her locker after lunch, Raquan Larson appears next to her and leans against the locker beside hers. "I've heard some news about you Sevyn." He says licking his lips as he looks her up and down.

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?" Sevyn asks,not bothering to look at him.

"That you like to get down with the team." He replies and Sevyn nearly gets whiplash from turning her head so fast. She glares into Raquan's eyes with annoyance. He's on the basketball team but he's not as good as her brothers or Jackson. He's a jerk to everyone except his small clique of rejects that don't have the opportunity of hanging out with the better ballers.

"And who the hell told you this?" Sevyn snaps.

"It's all over school babygirl. Your smashing my boy Jackson so I wanna know how long I have to wait to get a piece too." Raquan looks her up and down, taking in every curve on her body and ignoring the glare on her face. She raises her hand to slap him but he grabs her wrist and pulls her closer to his face. "Come on Sevyn don't fight it."

Flashbacks of Keenan saying almost the same words strikes fear into her body. Before she gets a chance to fight back Jackson yanks Raquan away from her. "The fuck are you doing?"

"Wassup JD, when you're through with Sevyn pass her over here. I heard she's easy." Raquan smirks.

"And where'd you here this?" Jackson asks him.

Raquan only shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets, "I don't snitch homie. But tell me, is the P any good?"

Jackson clenches his fist and is gearing up to punch him but Sevyn steps in the way. "Chill Jackson, you don't need to get suspended."

"Yeah, listen to your little girlfriend." Raquan laughs and Sevyn turns to glare at him.

"Go somewhere Raquan, you stay gossiping like a little bitch."

Raquan shrugs again, "Hit me up when you done playing." He says winking. He nods at Jackson then walks away. Sevyn crosses her arms and stares absentmindedly into her locker. Before this year she was never the topic of conversation unless it was about volleyball. All the gossip spreading around school is new for her and she doesn't like the negative attention. She almost forgets Jackson is there until he gently touches her arm. She looks up at him with sad eyes, "I swear this school is fake as hell. One minute the people that you're cool with will smile in your face and the next they're whispering behind your back."

"Who cares? We know all tha bull isnt true so forget about them." Jackson says. Sevyn looks down at the floor feeling unsatisfied and Jackson cups her cheeks in his hands. "Hey, dont feed into their drama alright? You're better than them so let it go. They just want something to talk about. Show them who's boss."

"Fine but if Raquan comes up to me again I'm gonna slap the black off of him." She says slamming her locker closed.

Jackson smiles and kisses her forehead, "Let me worry about Raquan. Don't let anyone phase you alright?"

"Alright," Sevyn agrees. "Now go to math before you're late again."

Jackson groans, "Yes mother."

Sevyn giggles waves goodbye to him and heads in the opposite direction to English.

On Saturday Monica forces Sevyn to cancel all her plans so they can have an emergency sleep over. She's in desperate needs of entertainment since her parents have her on lock down and won't grant her access to the mall.

Sevyn sits down on the couch and flips through the movie channels as Monica walks in with a bowl of Doritos. They're both in their pajamas since Monica isn't allowed to go out and party, much to Sevyn's relief. After the long week she's had all she wants to do is lounge around with her best friend.

"I feel like we haven't had a sleepover in so long." Sevyn says still looking for a movie to watch.

"Maybe it's because JD is always taking you on dates and stuff while I'm stuck on parent house arrest." Monica pouts, grabbing a handful of Doritos.

Sevyn smiles to herself. It's true, ever since they started going out Jackson has been taking her out almost every Saturday for the past couple of weeks. It still surprises her how committed he is even after she's heard how short his relationships are. Sevyn hopes to be the lucky girl that lasts at least three months with Jackson because rumor has it he usually doesn't date that long. So far he hasn't done anything that makes Sevyn believes she going to be a quick date and dump. He goes to all her volleyball games and thanks to Sevyn her team is qualified for regionals.

"It's not my fault he likes to treat his girl," Sevyn says happily, "What's up with you and Kat though?"

Monica beams and bounces in her seat, "I swear since we met there hasn't been a day where she hasn't texted or called me. We video chat almost every night before she falls asleep and its usually late because she's on her schools drill team. And sometimes I skip class to go meet her at the subway down the street from school."

Sevyn's eyes widen, "You've been skipping classes Money? Your parents are gonna kill you."

Monica puts a finger to her lips, "Keep your voice down, they're upstairs in their room and they probably have their ears pressed against the floor just to eavesdrop."she says rolling her wide eyes. "And they're not going to find out because I write notes to my teachers telling them I have doctors appointments because I have a weird virus that needs to be tested. And I forge my mom or dads signature."

"Girl you better ease up with that before they get suspicious." Sevyn warns her.

"Don't worry goody two shoes, I got this. It's not like I do it everyday. Plus Kat is worth it, we're just alike I swear. She's like my twin and I'm really feelin her."

"Oh gosh twins? I can't put up with another one of you." Sevyn shakes her head and Monica slaps her shoulder. She laughs, "Im kidding Money. But that's really cute, I'm glad you're happy."

"Genuine happiness is the best." Monica kicks her feet up in the coffee table. "Ooh go back one channel, Friday After Next is on! I still think Ice Cube is fine."

"This coming from the lesbian." Sevyn jokes as she goes back one channel. Monica slaps her in the face with a pillow and lays her head in Sevyn's lap. Maybe partying is over rated and all she really needed was a chill day with her best friend.

More drama coming up ;)

Nobody's Business (BOOK ONE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora