Chapter Six: Laura's POV/PickleGirl58

Start from the beginning

 "I never heard her say that." Paul scowled. John scowled back at him beofr he drug Violet out of the room somewhere. I rolled my eyes and turned myself to face George. 

 "So if we're going out, I can't wear this." I said gesturing to my 21st century tank top and colorful knee length skirt. 

 "What's wrong with it?" He asked frowning, "You look fine to me." I sighed and Astrid giggled.

 "That means that Georgie likes that you don't mind wearing short skirts and showy tops." She said getting up fromt he couch. I frowned and looked at my top. 

 "My top isn't showy." I pouted. Astrid laughed again and took my hand, leading me into a room I hadn't noticed before. 

 "This is Stu's room. I keep some of my dresses in here." She said opening up the closet to a few cute dresses. 

 "Are you and Stu..." I stopped suddenly from saying together yet, but Astrid got wht I was going for. 

 "Nope!" She sighed, "But I do love him. He doesn't know it though." I sighed back as she handed me a dress to put on.

 "Well he's very nice looking." I giggled. She gave me a playful glare.

 "You keep your hands off him, and I'll keep mine off Geogie." She winked at me and I laughed.

 "Well then!" I said starting to get dressed, "How do you know I like George? Maybe I like Paul more!" 

 "Well either way." Astrid shrugged, "How's that dress?" It was a mid thigh length flowy purple dress with black flowers trailing up the side. It was rather pretty.

 "It's perfect!" I said spinning around making Astrid laugh.

 "Do you want one for your friend?" Astrid asked offering me another dress. I tok it and exited Stuart's room to go find Violet. I found her in John's room again. They were both lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. I laughed and John sat up quickly.

 "Vi, Astrid found something for you to wear." I said offering her the dress. She got up and examined it before she shoved me and Joh out of the rom so she could change. We went back to the living room to find Stuart cuddling a very quickly puddling Astrid while George and Paul had a slight arguement in the corner. Ringo was reading a magazine ignoring the world. 

 "Who are we waiting on now?" Stuart asked as Astrid giggled and nuzzled into Stuart's chest. 

 "Just Violet I suppose." John responded as we sat down on the couch together. Violet appeared and she spun around for everyone to see before we left quickly. 

 We came to a nice looking place, and I was excited, but the people there were a tiny bit frightening. I caught some of the men checking me out and I didn't like it at all. I found myself clutching onto Paul's arm tightly as we found a place to sit down. Before I could sit however I was surprised to find Stuart grabbing my hand and dragging off.

 "Dance with me, pretty girl!" He said with a cute wink. I always liked him, but Astrid loved him and I knew he loved her, whether he knew it or not at the moment. I danced with him for a couple songs, just to make him happy before I started to look for a way out of dancing. 

 Paul came to my rescue suddenly and he stole me away with a cute smirk, "You promised me a dance!" He said pulling me into his arms. I wrapped my arms aorund his neck and laughed. 

 "I promised no such thing, McCartney." I said rolling my eyes at him. He kissed my cheek and I I giggled at him. 

"Well we're dancing anyway." He said smirking. I sighed and put my head on his shoulder as a slow song started to play. I closed my eyes as it sank in suddenly that I was dancing, no slow dancing with Paul McCartney! I could barely contain myself suddenly. Paul seemed to notice and he laughed as the song ended and he stepped back. I smiled brightly at him before I got a glimpse of George over his shoulder.

 George was sitting at the table they'd found all by himself looking so sad. I felt a little bad for him. He'd always been my very favorite Beatle, while Paul was my second favorite I seemed to be spending more time with him over George. I sighed and Paul caught my attention again. 

 "You alright, love?" He asked looking worried. I nodded and found I was hot and needed a rest.

 "Fine, I just need a break." I said smiling before I walked over to sit with George. Paul went off somewhre, but I wasn't paying much attention to him anymore. I sat down next to George and he just looked at me.

"Having fun?" He asked, sounding a bit bitter.

 "Sure, but I haven't got to dance with you yet," I shrugged smiling, "Besides, you look sad."

 "YOu mean you want to dance with me because I look sad to you?" He asked raising his eyebrows. I sighed and shook my head.

 "No, I mean I wanted to dance with you to begin with, but Stuart pulled me off and then Paul cut in." I said shrugging, "How come you're all by yourself?"

 "YOu were dancing with Staurt and the Paul cut in!" He responded stupidly. I laughed anyway.

 "Well there are plenty of other girls here fr you to dance with." I said leaning toward him a bit.

 "None of them like me anyway," He sighed sadly. I moved closer to him and I kissed him on the tip of his nose. He blushed and I stood up.

 "Well then let's dance Georgie." I said holding out my hand. He took it and we walked away from the table to dance. I deffinently  felt different than dancing with Paul, and I liked the way George wrapped his arms around me and he was good to cuddle, which isn't something I look for in a dance partnet, but he somehow made if work. I loved dancing with him and I it was really fun to talk to him while he held onto me and to have him randomly spin me around and then back into his arms. He stole three or four kisses on my cheeks before Violet rushed up and pulled me away from George before either of us could protest. Violet shoved me at Paul and scrunched up her nose before she ran off again.

 "What was that for?" I asked. Paul wrapped his arms around my waist and he kissed my cheek.

 "I asked her to drag you over." He said grinning, "I wanted to ask you something." He said taking my hands in his. I nodded and he leaned toward my ear so I could hear him better through the noise.

 "Will you go out with me tomorow evening, Laura?" He asked gently. I looked at him as he pulled back. Did I want to go out with Paul? Yes! But did I like him enough to go out with him because of him and not because he was THE Paul McCartney?

 I didn't know what to do suddenly. And Paul just stood there waiting for me to answer. What do I do!? 

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