Not Today (Pt.1)

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A/N: He's so fucking rOOD
(his collarbone also makes me want to jump off a window)

"But, I mean, can't you do anything about it?" Jimin asks sadly.

"The university just told me I can't," Yoongi clutches strongly the piece of paper  that the dean had just given to him.

"It's just so... ANNOYING," he screams loudly, crushing the paper with his hands and throwing it into the nearest trash.

Jimin sighs, annoyed as well.

Who these people think they were?

When Yoongi's parents showed up, they only spit on his face and threw at him a paper that said he was not allowed to live at the dorms anymore. It didn't take too long for his parents to know who Jimin was since they were friends with the dean and took part on the university's board.

"I'll figure out a way, hyung," Jimin says, staring determinedly at Yoongi. Yoongi takes the younger's face on his hands.

"Listen, baby. I know you want to help me. But I'm afraid there's nothing I or even you can do," Yoongi says, trying to comfort Jimin. Which was a bit wrong, since Jimin was the one that was supposed to be comforting him.

The older truly felt terrified to even wonder what it would be like to move back to his home. He was still financially dependent from his parents and he didn't want to suffer any longer under the cold glares his family threw at him. They hated him and his mental health would go back to the way it was. Depression would definitely come back.

"Yah! I won't quit. You are not leaving tomorrow, I won't let you," Jimin says, already stomping his feet.

"I'm going to talk to that fucking bitch that calls itself a dean and, oh he will hear what Park Jimin has to say. Oh, he will," Jimin screams, already going in the direction of the dean's office.

"Am I really dating this man?" Yoongi says under his breath, following Jimin.


"Listen up. Yoongi here has a full scholarship that he won with merit. With intelligence. He is an independent adult, and I really don't get how his parents actually have a say in this. It's Yoongi's decision whether he wants to stay in our room or not. Not theirs," Jimin says, his both hands on the dean's table.

Yoongi seats down a bit uncomfortably because he wasn't sure if Jimin wouldn't be punished to talk to the dean like that. He was being very rude and disrespectful to the person that took care of their university.

"Now you listen, Mr. Park," the dean says and Jimin pays attention, "Mr. Min's parents are part of the university board and they actually give us a lot of money, specially to make some improvements. We can't afford to lose that. They already said that they'll be leaving the board if Yoongi doesn't leave the dorms immediately, and with all due respect, we'd rather lose a student than such contributors," the principal says and Jimin wants to punch him in the face right there.

"Are you freaking serious? Do you even know why they want to get him out of our dorms?" The dean shakes his head, looking completely uninterested.

"Because of his sexuality," the dean gapes and Jimin knows that he has hit a soft spot.

"WHAT? HOW DARE- ok, you need to talk to your parents right now, let's go," Mr. Jung stands up, grabbing his car keys, and already leaving the room. "I can't do much for you because I can't really go against board members as the dean. But I can at least give you two a ride."

Jimin throws a smirk at Yoongi.

He was really born to be a lawyer.


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