Where Did You Come From? Pt.3

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Yoongi pushes Jimin off him and gets up. Jimin gets up as well and realize that both of their knees are scraped because of the hard fall. "I'm sorry I fell on you hyung." Jimin bows and Yoongi just shakes it off, not making a big deal about it. "It's okay. But I think we need to clean our bruises..."

All of the other seven boys step in, already showing the way to the nearest water fountain, so they could at least pass some water on the bits of blood that were spread on their legs now.

As Yoongi and Jimin made their way to the fountain, Jimin realizes that they were slowly getting at a more and more deserted place, that was bathed with the moonlight that had already seeped in a couple hours ago. When Jimin got to a place that looked like it was more private, he decided to finally face Yoongi.

"You're him, aren't you? The guy from the club last night." They stop walking and Yoongi turned around to look at him.

"Took you some time, Sherlock Holmes." Jimin scoffs annoyed at the comment, but still can't help to notice how the man was even more beautiful with the moonlight lighting up his golden strands of hair.

Jimin gulped. "I don't want us to be weird around each other, okay Yoongi?"

Yoongi nods. "Sure."

The older boy reaches out and starts caressing Jimin's neck slowly. Feeling comfortable at the gesture, Jimin closes his eyes as if giving a sign for him to get closer. Yoongi does so and soon enough his lips touch the younger boy's cheek.

"Although... I feel that our story together isn't over...". Yoongi whispers on his ear softly, making Jimin feel shivers running down through his body in pleasure.

"Jiminnnnnn, Yoongiiiiii, are you done cleaning yourselves?" Jin yells from the distance.

Jimin quickly pushes Yoongi away, knowing that if Jin found out what they where doing, he would be questioned by his hyung until his ears bled. He quickly adjusts his hair and starts throwing some water on his legs, finishing it quickly, so Yoongi would be next.

"Yeah! Almost finished, just waiting for Yoongi hyung;" he shouts.

As they go back to their group, Yoongi whispers on his ear very quietly:

"That was fun."


I firstly posted this fanfic on AFF but I love Wattpad and its crazy/funny comments so  I decided to post it here as well ^-^. I hope you guys like it and comment it a lot💕

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