Where Did You Come From? Pt.2

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Jimin wakes up the next morning with his cellphone ringing loudly. Feeling like he doesn't know where he's, probably because of his headache, he picks it up slowly, not making much effort to know what the call is about.

"Good morning Jimin!!" Hoseok screams loudly in his ear. All that Jimin can possibly do, is cringe at the other's cheery and cheerful voice, when there is nothing to cheer up about.

"What. Do. You. Want. Hyung." He says, gritting his teeth. Let's just say that, with no girlfriend, no finding out who that stranger was and being seven in the morning of a Saturday, Jimin was not in his best state.

"Such a rude dongsaeng," Hoseok gives his best disappointed voice.

"Anyway, I was jogging around the university campus today and I saw a message in one of the notice boards near my department. It said that they would be publishing the names of the applicants that were approved, so I thought that maybe you received-"

Jimin immediately interrupts the call with a soft "Thanks, hyung!" and rushes down the stairs of his building to check out his mailbox.

He currently looks insane - his pajamas were a  mess after turning around all night without being able to sleep and his ruffled and dirty hair kept bouncing on his head. The headache that is still pounding on his head definitely doesn't  help his look, leaving his facial expression a quite painful one amidst all of the anxiousness it transmits.

He eagerly opens the little box that contained all of his mail, especially the one letter that would decide his future. Searching through all the letters he finally finds it. The letter that would decide his career and most importantly, his life. It is quite simple, with a little stamp on the top of it.


He furiously opens the letter and reads the first sentences before screaming loudly.

"Dear Park Jimin,


You have successfully been approved in South Korea's top university with a scholarship of 85%. We sincerely ask for you to make the best use of it."

Jimin screams once again at the top of his lungs, heat spreading through his body. He wanted the whole building, no, the whole world to know that Park Jimin had passed. Park Jimin got into a university that he only has to pay 15% of it. Park Jimin is a genius. Park Jimin did it. For once in his life, Park Jimin felt special.


He returns to his room feeling like the happiest man on earth.

He looks at his reflection on his small bathroom mirror and smiles. Although his appearance looked bad, what mattered was that on the inside he was glowing.

"I guess that you could do it after all huh Jimin?"

For the first time in ages he is able to look at himself without feeling the need to pretend anything. He is Park Jimin. Not "pretend" Park Jimin that thinks twice before speaking. This is the Park Jimin that speaks loudly and is able to be truthful to everyone around him without wearing a mask.

For a second the mask had fallen off and Jimin could feel better about himself again.

He tightly grasps the little bit of hope his heart feels right now.

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