The Escape

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The Earth is right in front of me.

"I can't believe that after thousands of years I'm finally going to see her again. But it's been thousands of years, what if she- No, I can't let myself think like that. Not after what I've been through to get here."


I was in my workshop, putting the final touches on a machine that hovers to let gems get around faster. I hated that I was helping them advance, but I'd blow my cover if I didn't do the work.

"Zircon?" I hear a soft voice behind me. I turn and see Blue Diamonds Pearl behind me.

"Yes?" I say, a little nervous from what this could be about.

"Blue Diamond requested to see you."

I nod and she leaves the room. Blue Diamond. I hate her! I remember the day I first started to, when she ordered the Ruby to get shattered after she and a Sapphire fused. I remember trying to reason with my self and accepting that it was right until I met her. I shake my head and make my way to Blue Diamonds headquarters.

I find myself in front of two giant blue doors. I take a deep breath and walk in with my head down. Once I step inside I place my arms in a way to make a diamond shape.

"You wanted to see me, my diamond?" I asked her.

"Yes, come over here."

I put my hands by my sides and lift my head up. I see she's in her chair, so I walk to stand beside it.

"Blue Zircon, you are working on the hovercraft for elite gems, correct?" She turns to me and waits for my answer.

"Yes, that is correct my diamond."

She nods and looks back at her screen. "Did you know a Topaz, specifically Topaz facet 5d2m cut 8j9?"

If I had one, my heart would have stopped. "Y-Yes I did, my diamond."

Don't you dare say anything happened to her.

"Yes, well it seems that she had caused some trouble on Earth. The team sent to shatter her never came back."

That's a relief, though it still doesn't mean she's safe.

"You are an experienced fighter, right?" She turns to me again.

"Yes my diamond, though the last time I fought was before the war."

She nods again and says, "You are to be sent to the Earth with three Amethysts to take care of this Topaz, am I clear?"

This is not happening . . .

"Yes my diamond." I quickly make the diamond shape again and she waves her hand to dismiss me.

It took all I had not to jump and laugh down the hall to the ships. I check around me and see a Peridot. I tell her Blue Diamonds request and she summons the Amethysts. I open a door to a ship and right before the Amethysts can get in, close it again. I quickly turn on the ship and fly away. Leaving a confused Peridot and three shocked Amethysts.

End of Flashback

I landed the ship in an old and forgotten kindergarten, where the team was known to be last. I jump out and look around me, for any sign that Topaz was there. I find a hole that's been dug out more than the others. I go inside it and look around. I find three Amethysts and two Jaspers in yellow bubbles. She's here! I look around for her, but don't see anything.

Where could she be- "*Crash!*" I jump at the sound and run out of the hole. I look around to see someone with long yellow hair and light yellow skin breaking open the door of my ship. I get closer at look at her long white skirt with a yellow and white top. I place a hand on their shoulder and they jump away from me. They look at me for a moment and then their eyes to wide.

"Zircon?" I'm shocked. She's changed a lot.

"Topaz?" I say, not believing its her.

She takes a step closer, "You've changed."

I look down at my light blue leggings and dark blue long sleeve. It has diamonds going down the side of the arms. I step forward and hug her, she giggles and plays with my hair.

"It's a lot shorter than I remember." She says.

I don't remember why, but after she left, I made my hair go to a little above my shoulders.

"I missed you so much." I tell her. I feel tears in my eyes and based on the wetness of my shoulder, Topaz is crying too.

"I missed you too."

We stay like that for a second, and I pull away. "Want J back?"

She forms a small smile and nods.

I smile too and take her hands. I start to dance with her and drag it on for a while. Finally, I end the dance by dipping her and we both laugh as a white light surrounds us.


I laugh as the white light fades and its just me in the kindergarten. I look at the ship for a moment and walk away. I look down at myself and smile. I have a dark green dress on with a small white belt around my middle. The dress reached my feet, which were in white flats. I have long green hair that also reached the ground, and bangs that covered my two extra eyes. I lift my arms up and look at them with the palms up. I smile when I see the light green gems, one on both the insides of my wrist. I find my white bandana hanging off my belt, and tie it over the gem on my left arm, so no one knows I'm a fusion.

I try to remember where I last heard the Crystal Gems were. Then I hear Topaz think , I remember a gem saying that they're in a place called Beach City, but I'm not sure . . .

Then Zircon thinks, Its worth a shot, let's go! I chuckle at her excitment and start my way to 'Beach City'

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