Chapter 41

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Harry was inside the house sleeping and so I was bored, I didn't know what to do. He looked too peaceful and so I didn't wake him up.


I went downstairs.

I sit on the kitchen counter and lay down, wondering around in my random thoughts. I look at the backyard door in front of me.

Woah..I've never seen his backyard. His house is small but he lives in this meadow like place so it's kind of empty here. Except possibly beautiful singing birds and hoppy bunnies that's for sure, and even better, Harry.

My eyes light up in excitement. As I jump off the counter, I felt two hands wrap around my waist. My heart tingled at Harry's actions. "Morning love." He kissed my temple. I giggle as he picks me up bridal style and sets me back down on the counter. "So why were you laying on the counter?"

"Uhh..contemplating my thoughts? Duh."

"Anything else?" He raises his eyebrows.

It was silent for a while as I take a sharp breath in, I exhale and smile. "Well.." I got off the counter and walked towards the door of his backyard. "I wanna see how your backyard looks like." I shrug and he chuckles. "Knock yourself out." I jump in happiness. "YAY!"

I open the door; gobsmacked at what I was witnessing. It's beautiful.

"You even have a river?" I look at him with tears forming in my eyes

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"You even have a river?" I look at him with tears forming in my eyes. "Sorry, I tend to get emotional when it comes to nature." He just snickers as he follows me down his backyard. "Harry this is beautiful!" I run around the grass in his loose shirt just being my happy self that was hiding for so long. I pranced around the flowers and twirl along the grass; I jump over the small river and touch it with my bare feet. The cold air was hitting me with the wind blowing through my hair, the grey clouds made the scenery even more beautiful than it was.

Harry was chasing after me as I run around his backyard. "Ariana!!!! Come here!! I need you!"

And so I stop taking a deep breath, my back facing him as I stare at the scenery of nature. My heart racing and my lips smiling. My body didn't feel exhausted, it wanted more.

I turn around and see Harry 25 feet away from me. I giggle, he was cold. All he had were just sweatpants.

"Ariana!!!" He whined, I laugh even more.

I run to him as his arms were open wide, I was close to him and what I immediately did was hug his muscular frame. "Come here with me." He holds me in his arms cupping my face, kissing my lips passionately. "I swear Ariana you have so many ways of wanting me to just kiss you."

I blush at his comment.

"Oh styles."


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