Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Harry hands me my clothes from yesterday that have been washed in the washer, of course..and now I smell like, Harrys soap. It's not bad I mean, he's smells like lavender and flowers plus a tint of vanilla. Who wouldn't want to smell like that?

"Thanks" he nods his head but rolls his eyes, thinking I didn't see.

Sighing, I go to the bathroom and change in my clothes..whats his problem?

I exit the bathroom and walk past Harry as I ignore his presence. For some reason i feel irritated.

I turn the doorknob to exit his flat and I could still feel 2 eyes watching straight at me, but his large hands was quick to catch my small ones.

"Ariana." His voice was stern, but still had that husky tome that every girl would go insane for.

"Thank You, Harry." I give him a slight smile and let go of his grip, but he was once again quick, to get my hand back.

"You can't just walk alone."

"Yes I can, I'm an adult."

"With a heart of a child." Ouch, what's that supposed to mean?

"No Harry, you are wrong. I'm a big child at heart. I think it's important to stay that way and not lose the wonders of life."

Harry slowly lets go of my petite hand and his frown slightly softened as I give him a slight smile and fix my posture, " but you can come if you want." I walk towards the cemented sidewalk but stop as I hear his door slam close.

He's definitely mad at me. But why..?

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