Chapter 28

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"I-i never knew this about her." Harry says as he shakily hugs me with tears flowing in his eyes.

"it's okay now. She's fine."

"How? How are you so calm about this situation right now?"

"Harry I'm not calm at all. I literally just wanna rip my lungs out and scream! Just cry and disappear, but I won't. Cause someone has to do something and if no one will I will. I'm glad Rowan is willing to help and I hope you will too." He hugs me tighter and I run my fingers through his hair as he cries. I've never seen Harry cry... He must've been really good friends with her.

Marianna was asleep one the couch with puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. Louis was sitting on the couch doing I don't know, probably rethinking his life.

"Ariana.. Can you come over here for a second?" I let go of Harry and I walk over to Rowan who sat next to sleepy Marianna.

"Y-you know how you said this code.. Will help determine why she's like this? Or why she kills? I found out the code." She stares blankly at the notepad in her hands.

"What is it???" I sit next to her and she hands me the notepad.

I know I should have fought it, at least I'm being honest. Feel like a failure, cause I know that I failed you. I should've done you better, cause you don't want a liar.

Harry. Is what I read.

"If you put that together, it says Harry." Rowan says. "Now look at the next verse."

And I know and I know and I know that you've got everything but I've got nothing here without you baby. So one last time, I need to be, the one who takes you home. One more time, I promise after that I'll let you go. Baby I don't care if you got her in your arms, all I really care is you wake up in my arms. One last time, I need to be, the one who takes you home.

Is mine only.

Harry is mine only.

"And look. This is what I found in aunt Josephine's journal, we didn't have to sing the song at all! The answer was in her journal all along, folded up in a piece of paper!"

It said the exact same thing we found in the song.

I look back at Harry and I think to myself.

I don't think Harry and I should..ugh. Kill me now.

A/N: okay well in the next few chapters it might turn witch crafty so sorry if this book is turning out so weird I literally have now idea whatsoever on what I'm doing.

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