Chapter 34

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We said our goodbyes to both Rowan and Sabrina, they were having a sleepover too. As for me, I was sleeping over with Harry.

I was reading a book from his library at home, dangling my feet as I sit on wheeling chair. Wearing one of his white long t shirts and cozy socks.

My hair was down and I had my glasses on for reading the small words on the page. I was already on chapter 34. (See what I did there hah.)

Harry was making dinner for the both of us downstairs. I could already smell the spaghetti.

"Dinners ready babe." He leans on the opened door staring at me as my feet dangled, I look at him and he chuckles. "Uh-uhm okay." I reply placing the book to the desk next to me. I jump down from the seat and walk to him. "You are so small." He taps my nose.

"I'm only 5 foot 2 and the chair is just..really tall. Ya know?" I laugh awkwardly. "Small girl problems." I sigh.

"It's really cute you know that?" He tells me.

"You are really cute you know that?" I respond. He rolls his eyes playfully as we eat our dinner.

"Harry?" I close the book. "Yes love?" He responds as he was writing on his journal. Probably some new song lyrics.

I honestly don't know why I called out his name. I guess I'm just bored. "A-actually never mind. Never mind." I stand up and he looks up to me from his journal. "Is something wrong?" He asks concerned, closing his journal.

"No not really, just bored." I shrug. He chuckles. "Try to figure out what to do."

"I'm going to sing. I feel like breaking out into a song right now." I lay on the floor looking at the ceiling.

"Whatever you say darling." He goes back to writing his song. I giggle. "Wait wait wait, Ariana."


"don't you make songs as well?" He asks. That's a'd he know???

"Harry how the hell do you know?" I sit up.

"When you were asleep that one time, I found a random book lying open on your desk so..oops?"


"Yes love? Heh.."

"You are so damn lucky you are handsome." He chuckles.

"Sing it. It's called 'My Everything'. Correct?" My cheeks flush. "Yah."
(Audio on media)

"You are literally music to my ears."

"I know." I smirk jokingly. "Come on, let's head to sleep baby." He closes his journal and takes his shirt off. I watch as he puts the blanket under him. He looks at me. "What are you waiting for?" He chuckles.

I jump off the chair and excitingly crawled to the bed, cradling each other close underneath the blankets.

"Goodnight Harry."

"Goodnight Princess."

11:30 pm

12:30 pm

2:30 am.

"Come here, princess."

" Marianas, home."

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