Chapter 33

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Harry be like in the chapter: im never leaving you Ari. ^^^ (media Kekek. Not my edit.)

"Harry! Stop!!!" I laugh as Harry starts tickling me to wake me up. "You're so cute love." He kisses my cheeks and he stands up with the blanket around him, already knowing id be naked. I cover myself with a pillow. "Sorry boo." I snicker as he rolls his eyes with a pout.

"Imma shower, wanna come with?" He smirks.

" I?" I place my chin on the palm of my hand looking up as if I was thinking. He leans on the wall and patiently waits for my answer.

"I'm gonna wait for an answer...." He snickers.

"Do I? Do I. Do I really?" I teasingly ponder.

"Yup you obviously want to." He picks me up and I giggle wrapping my arms around his neck.

He places me in the shower and turns it on, I sit on the edge playing with my nails as he showers himself. I can feel his stare in me.

"Come here!" He grabs my hand and pulls me up to his chest. I laugh as he cradles me close. Just letting the water hit us. "I'm never going to leave you, ever." He mumbles into my ear running his hand up and down my back. "I don't think I can ever let you leave me Harry." I mumble into his chest.

Ariana was currently in the terrace looking out the view while I was laying on her bed, staring at the white ceiling above me.

I stand up walking towards the terrace and wrap my arms around Ariana's waist, planting a kiss on her cheek. I look at the view with her.

"Harry?" She ponders.


"What happened to Marianna...?" She continues to look at the view. "I'm not sure... But she hates you to death. I don't know..I just feel, like..." I pause.

"You feel like what Harry? Tell me, please." She looks at me this time. "You may be her next, victim." She looks down. "I'm not letting that happen. Ever. Don't worry Ariana, I'm here. And I'll always be here." I cup her cheeks and stray away the tear that has fallen with the pad of my thumb.

I kiss her forehead and she holds on to me, not wanting to let go. "Harry what if you're her next victim? I don't know what to do."

"I'm not going to let that happen either. I promise." Ariana let's go and sticks out her pinky. "Pinky swear?" I chuckle at her childish acts. "Pinky swear." I wrap my pinky around her and she smiles; something that brightens up my day.

"What do we do next?" She asks.

"We'll see." She nods. "Can we visit Rowan? I miss her already." Oh yah..Rowan.

"Let's go."

Rowan (Oo her pov)-I hear the doorbell ring and I already got a call from Ariana saying she'd be here

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Rowan (Oo her pov)
I hear the doorbell ring and I already got a call from Ariana saying she'd be here. She wasn't wrong about her being here in precisely 5 minutes.

I opened the door and there revealed Ariana and Harry. I give both of them a hug and let them in.

"I missed you Rowan. How have you been?" Ariana asked.

"I've been, okay I guess. Just studying really hard and thinking about mom here and there. What about you? How's Marianna and Louis?" I was curious.

"Well, Harry and I and supposedly you... Might become her next victim. She hates me so freaking much. Louis, im not so sure about. And me, I guess I'm alright but terrified for what's to come." My eyes widen. in kill? "Just watch out, okay?" I nod. "Im doing great thanks for asking." Harry rolls his eyes.

I chuckles. "I am so sorry." I pretend to be hurt. "How is your day Harry." I smile standing up and sitting next to him, putting my chin in the palm of my hand and looking at his face closely. He smiles cheekily and Ariana just laughs at the both of us. "I'm feeling worried but I'm okay, thank you for asking." Harry replies

I hear loud knocks on the door and I roll my eyes knowing its Sabrina. (SPECIAL GUEST: SABRINA CARPENTER!!)

"WAIT!" Ariana stops me. "That might be Mariana! Careful."

"Nope, that's Sabby, she knocks obnoxiously like that." I shrug opening the door.

"ROW!" She smiles excitedly

"SABBY!" I do the same bringing her into a hug.

She walks in and she looks at my sister and Harry

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She walks in and she looks at my sister and Harry. "Hi Ariana! Long time no see!!! I missed you so much." She hugs Ariana who smiles hugging her tightly. "I missed you too Sabby."

"Sabrina, meet Harry." I push her towards him, her eyes widen and she smiles. "Hello Harry, I'm Sabby and you are?" She flirtatiously says while Ariana and I laugh our butts off.

"Harry love. You already knew that." He snickers giving her a wink. Harry playing along.

"Mhm yes I did, I just admire you too much I know your name. I love your eyes too." She looks at me smiling wide and I roll my eyes playfully. Pointing to Ariana and making kissy faces. Harry laughs at what I did and Ariana hits me playfully smiling. Sabrina knew I meant they were dating and she fake frowns, trying not to smile.

She grabs Ariana's hand and brings her to sit next to Harry. She then sat next to me and we face each other. Sabby to Harry and Me to Ari. They look at us confused.

Rowan and I look at each other and we nod. We make kissy noises and pucker our lips teasing them. "You guys are so cute." Harry leans back in the couch crossing his arms as he just snickers staring at us. Ariana's cheek flush and she laughs.

"Weirdos." Ariana mumbles walking up to us and hugging Sabby, while Harry hugs me. We do a small group hug and smile.

Mariana will never break this love.

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