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"Mish?" I walk into the bathroom as he stares in the mirror angrily.
"Did you even want to sleep with me or was I just a rebound?"
"I wanted to sleep with you."
"Because well..look at you and you're a great guy."
"So my looks is all?"
"I just said you're a great guy?!" I toss my hands out confused.
"All you do is flirt with me."
"Because all you do is flirt with me?"
"Oh so this is my fault?!"
"Oh my god!" I shout. "You're like a wife!"
"I am not!"
"You are too!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!!" We not stop and then start laughing.
"What the hell are we doing?" Misha asks. I take a step to him and grab his hand.
"Last night was very fun."
"And I'd love to do it again."
"The date or the sex?" Misha chuckles.
"Both." I nod. "I had such a good night."
"Good I'm glad." Misha pulls me closer and kisses me. "You're still kinda small though." He whispers.
"I am not!" I gasp. "You sure didn't say that last night." I growl in his ear.
"I was in the moment." I feel him chuckle.
"Are you in the moment now?" I ask sliding my fingers into his pants. Misha pulls my face to his And kisses me. "I really liked your picture last night." I pull him out of the room with our lips still connected.
"I was a little ashamed I didn't get one from you." Misha unzips my pants.
"I'll give you one." I grab his collar and push him to the bed.
"Soon but now-" I try and pull his pants off but he stops me.
"I want one now."
"But-" I look at him laying on my bed. "Mish." He reaches over and hands me my phone. "Oh my god." I grab it and go into the bathroom.
"Jensen." Misha raises his eyebrow.
"Go fish." I tell him.
"JJ he's lying!" Misha whines.
"Oh my god you're such a baby!"
"I am not!"
"JJ what do you think?" I look at her and she breaks out laughing, or giggling I think is the correct term. "You know what"
"What?" Misha asks setting his cards down.
"I am really tired."
"Well you have had a very long day."
"Bed?" I look at jj.
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asks crawling into my lap and giving me a hug. I look at misha and he nods. I was hoping I could spend the night in bed talking to misha. But jj is most important to me.
"Absolutely." I kiss her temple.

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