"The heck?" Taehyung looked down at his phone and immediately sighed before giving his eyes a roll.

"I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that's Sumin," Minji guessed.

"Who else would it be?" Taehyung just ended the call and slipped his phone into his jacket pocket.

"You know that she's just going to call back sooner or later, right? Why don't you just block her already?" Jimin asked.

"I'm surprised he hasn't done that already," Yoongi said.

"I'll just turn my phone off if she calls--"

"Yah!" Minji called everyone to attention. "Can we talk about this on our way to the restaurant? If we stand here any longer, my belly is seriously going to cave in."

As you all arrived at the restaurant, you guys sat at one of the larger booths they had. One side of the table, held Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, and Jimin, while you, Minji, and Yoongi were on the other.

"I'll be right back," Minji pushed back her seat and stood up. "I've gotta use the bathroom."

Jimin patiently watched as Minji walked off towards the bathroom, waiting for the second that he could spring right out his seat, and rush to Yoongi's side. "Hyung, do you think you can do me a favor and switch seats with me?"

Yoongi slowly turned towards Jimin and propped his arm on top the rail of the chair. "And why should I do something like that?"

"Uh," Jimin didn't exactly want to tell him that he wanted to sit next to Minji, so he had to find an excuse, quick. "I want to sit with my fellow young people."

"Jimin, are you calling me old?"

"Ah, no," Jimin glanced over to the bathroom to make sure Minji wasn't on her way out as yet, "I didn't mean it like that."

"Really? Because it seems to me like you were."

"Hyung, can you just hurry up and switch seats with me already?" Jimin pled to him, with the slip of stern tone. He couldn't tell how much time he had left, but he knew it wasn't a lot.

Yoongi looked him up and down. "The heck is wrong with you?"

Jimin had to go to his last resort. "If you don't move, I'll tell Jungkookie about how you were Taehyung's lookout in the prank last night."

Yoongi paused. "How do you--You know what, nevermind." Yoongi popped right up and allowed Jimin to take his seat right on the end, and beside Park Minji's spot. Once he claimed that seat, Jimin looked over and finally saw Minji exiting the restroom.

As she arrived back at the table, she stopped her hand from pulling back her chair. "What the heck? When did you get here?" Minji looked to her innocent looking upperclassmen.

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