~Focus On Me~

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"Keith." "..." "Keith, come on, let's do something." "......" "Keith, get up!" "........." "KEEEEEITH!" "WHAT?!" "

Lance smiled, glad he had finally gotten a reaction from his boyfriend, even if it was out of irritation. He would get what he could from the usually emotionless teen. "Let's do something." The brunette said, watching Keith just sitting on the couch, looking down at a metal black box with carvings in it. It resembled a Rubik's Cube, and was a little object that helped to pass the time. The owner had to try and unlock it. Keith had picked it up and cleaned it after finding it during a scouting mission on another planet. When he showed it to the others, Shiro had said that Keith could use it to help build his patience and fix his anger issues as well, but all it did to Keith was seem to piss him off more and more by the second because he couldn't unlock it, since right now Keith had that 'back-away-before-I-accidentally-murder-you' look. The cube pissed Lance off because it took Keith's attention away from him.

"Do something like what?" Keith was still focused on the little metal box, and Lance sat down next to him. "Well each other for starters." He smirked when he saw Keith's cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and his fingers paused for a moment. But a second later, they started fiddling with the box again. Usually, if they were just sitting next to each other or not doing anything in general, Keith would have to turn his face away to hide his embarrassment at one of Lance's flirty pick-up lines, but he was able to hide it by continuing to play with the cube and pretending to be completely focused on it. Keith stayed quiet, pursing his lips. So they were playing this game again? Lance would win this time, and claim his prize -- even if poor little Pidge walked in during this little game of theirs.

Lance was raking his mind, trying to think of any pick-up lines that he hadn't used before on the ravenette. His eyes lit up as he thought of one. Laying his chin on Keith's shoulder and whispered in his ear,"Why don't you sit on my lap and we can talk about the first thing that pops up?" It wasn't that hard to get Keith blushing like crazy. And if anyone would know how easy it was to get him blushing, it was Lance. For some reason, any dirty lines, even just slightly dirty, coming from Lance, embarrassed the hell out of Keith--even if no one was around! It just made it all the more amusing for Lance. Keith's cheeks turned a darker shade of pink, but was insistent on pretending as if Lance didn't exist. Keith continued to shift the sides of the cube, trying to align them into a pattern. Lance pouted, already disappointed that Keith wasn't blushing as red as his lion by now--but Lance knew it would take a bit more pushing for his boyfriend to react the way he wanted him to.

"Lance, we can hang out later ok? Go talk to Hunk or something. I really wanna unlock this thi-." Keith paused as Lance planted a small trail on his cheek. The brunette smirked. Keith sighed, stopping his fiddling with the cube and glared in front of him at the wall. "Lance." "Yeah babe?" "No. And stop calling me that." "No what babe?" "No, to this...and to calling me babe." "'This'?" Lance chose to drop the 'babe' part. "Yes, 'this'! As in stop trying to seduce me!" "Why? Is it working?" "No..." Keith's cheeks were red now, and he looked back at the cube. "Aw, poor Keith. He can't handle his boyfriend's sexyness." Lance said teasingly. "What? Of course i ca--mmf!" Keith turned his head to glare at the brunette, but Lance brought his hand up behind Keith's head and brought their lips together. Soft. So soft...The tan boy couldn't help but think to himself. Lance heard a small clatter and guessed that Keith had dropped the cube. Another obvious hint that he had was when Keith's hands both flew up to Lance's shoulder, seemingly to push him away, but then Lance licked at Keith's lips, deterring him. When Keith hesitantly opened his mouth, Lance instantly slipped his tongue inside. He heard a small groan from the other teen, and Lance felt a small spark of satisfaction.

Lance brought one hand up to cup Keith's cheek, and felt the ravenette's cheeks were hot as hell. Lance pulled back, breathing a bit unevenly, smirking at Keith's flushed face. "If you can barely handle a kiss, how will you be able to handle...other things?" Lance said teasingly. "We can stop and I can go back to playing with the cube." Keith threatened, narrowing his eyes in a warning for Lance to stop his teasing. "I'd much rather you play with me." Lance grabbed Keith's left leg, and gave it a small jerk, so the dark-eyed boy was now partially sitting on Lance's lap. The Red Paladin let out a small yelp, hands falling to Lance's legs to steady himself, and opened his mouth to say something, but Lance leaned forward, capturing his lips again. The brunette placed his hands on Keith's sides, pulling him closer and setting him right in the middle of his lap. He ravished Keith's mouth, and even though they had kissed before, none of them compared to this one. Because Lance was tired of waiting. He wanted Keith, and he wanted him now.

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