"Who is she? She got a sister?" I headed up the bleachers. Some of the boys giving me dap.

Omar shook his head slightly and chuckled. Looking as if he wasn't going to tell me. "Nah bro. You gonna mess it up for me."

The both of us sat down. It was Jameson against a guy named Maurice. I ain't even wanna watch the game no more. Jameson be doing some extra shit cus' he a pretty boy. A few girls stood in a circle talking and trying to look cute. Only a couple of em are and I might have to pick up a quick snack before I leave.

Focusing back on Omar I shoved him lightly. I wanted to know who was the girl and why he holding out.

"Man don't laugh. Okay I ain't just meet her. She one of your sisters friends. The girl I was telling you about. Nicky."

I stared at my bro for a few seconds before bursting with laughter. "Man. Ion care bout that dirty banana peel. If you like her you like her."

"Yeah I do & I would appreciate if you would stop calling her that. She pretty and you know it. Stop hating on the girl."

I shrugged him off, "I ain't hating on her. She ight but them freckles ain't."

Omar gave me a warning look.

Putting my hands up in defeat I laughed it off. "Okay I'll stop."

"Thanks man. What's up tho?"

My phone buzzed. Checking my IPhone 6s I got a message from Santana. I'm surprised she is texting me. After the sleep over incident she's been giving me the cold shoulder. If she only knew her dirty ass friend was stealing our food. I didn't even get a good glimpse of her I was so mad but, from what I saw she was cute. She lucky she was or I would've really embarrassed her in front of her friends.

Bighead: Dad wants U @hospital to help with a few things he got to take back to the house.

Me: Yea I'm on my way ugly.

Bighead: Please. We all know who was graced with Mom & Dads looks. Get here ASAP I need a ride home too.

This why I can't stand having a crooked teeth ass sister. She get on my nerves.

Me: I'll get there when I get there stfu.

Even though my phone vibrated again I didn't care for my sister's slick comeback. Placing my iPhone back in my pocket I stood, "Nun much. I'll talk to you later O. I gotta go to the hospital."

Omar slouched a little. Looking surprised as if my words came as a shock. "You finally going to see Tay? It's about time Jay."

It's as if a sudden pain pinched my chest. A sign of guilt even. Tay hadn't crossed my mind until now. Unable to look at Omar I pretended to find interest in the game. "Oh nah. My Dad needs help with a few things that's all."

I knew Omar was shaking his head as he sighed. "Tay would've went to see you regardless. You think he'd let a petty fight get in-between y'all?"

I didn't want to think about it because I know that Omar is telling the truth. Tay would've came everyday to see me. "I don't want to talk about it. Ight?" I almost snapped at my friend.

"I'm just saying man. You never know when times up."

Simply agreeing with Omar I headed down the bleachers. Walking across the court I ignored the girls looking my way. Guilt and pain eating me up. Should I see him?

"Bitch when I tell you to do something you do it!" I heard some guy yell.

Not trying to be nosey but, I was curious to see what's going on.

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