Fourteen| Santana

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I sat in Mr. Johnson's class minding my own business as usual. Jameson had moved up to the front; to keep me company during class everyday. He was telling me something about basketball but all I could do was sneak glances at Cavonte. Cavonte would be already staring at me when I would turn around. Then I would smile really hard and quickly turn my head. He meant everything to me. Losing my virginity was painful at first but it felt so damn good. I was already at Nicky's house when Jay called to tell me something was up with Tay. I told Daddy I was spending the night with Nicky. That it would be best for Tay to have some time for himself to deal with things. Tay always left the back door open for some reason. Thankfully it was and I invited myself in. It pained me too at the thought of his mom actually running away from him. Poor Rachel too. She needs her mother. Odalis is okay but that's not enough. I just want to slap some sense into Miss Carter because she's tripping. I know Tay is still upset, and the only thing I can do for him is be here.

"It was only three seconds left until the game was over and I-"

Not paying Jameson any attention I continued scribbling hearts in my notebook. I love Tay so much.

I felt Jameson's hand on my shoulder just as the bell rang. "Were you listening to me?"

I was about to get up and catch up with Tay but he already left out the classroom in a rush. Ugh. I'll just have to see him at lunch.

Grabbing my bag I slung it over my shoulders, "Yeah. Sounds like an awesome game."

Jameson scoffed, "I didn't make the shot. If you were listening you would've known that. You alright?"

"Yeah i'm fine. I'm just really happy. How about you? I heard Alicia came back to school today."

His jaw clenched and I regretted asking him in the first place. He continued walking beside me. "I've been avoiding running into her. Sadly she has my next period so i'll have to see her. Vince still hiding. I think he transferred schools."

"Don't worry about them. You're clean now and girls haven't looked at you differently. I think she's going to have a harder time than you."

"I don't think i'll be dating anytime soon. Even though I'm cured. Just going to worry about basketball, friends, and family."

I waved goodbye to Jameson and we parted ways. I didn't want to be late to class.

Jaxera is already in the locker room changing into her uniform. Red gym shorts and a white tee.

I did the same too. Closing my locker I headed out the locker room with her.

"I didn't know Alicia was back." she started up a conversation.

"I didn't know she had this class." I said, staring at the girl who gave my close friend STD's. How could she do that to Jameson?

Alicia stood next to Alyssa and her friends. Ignoring the stares and pretending no one was talking about what happened a couple weeks ago. Her head held high and her pink lips forming a cocky smile.

Coach Wallace blew her whistle, "Everyone out to the track. Five laps."

All of us groaned except for the students in Coach Zachariah's class. He took out the basketballs for them to play with. Most of the girls hung out on the bleachers.

"She doesn't. Sometimes she would skip in here to be with Alyssa."

I shook my head. Jaxera and I changed the conversation. I didn't care nor have problems with the girl. That changed too quickly.

I was running beside Jaxera. The both of us going at the same pace. As we're passing Alyssa's clique, I feel the side of someone's sneaker scratch against my ankle before sticking their leg out. Instantly I trip over. My dignity and pride falling along with me as I fell. Luckily my reflexes kicked in and I instantly reached my arms out so I wouldn't fall face first into gravel. I managed to skin my knees and bruise the palm of my hands.

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