Eight | Santana

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The wind is blowing in my face at a medium speed and i'm trying my best to keep a sexy appearance. I have on my dramatic false lashes, makeup, ripped denim shorts, a gold bikini top, and some gold Gucci high top shoes. A Malaysian lace front flowing down my back. I'm sitting on the hood of a red, 2012 Ford Mustang that's going at a slow pace. This light skin dude sitting in the driver's seat probably flashing his grills while he lips sing. This whole scene ain't nothing but ghetto.

"Cut!" I heard Rah yell for the fifth time this past hour. Looking dead at me he scowled, "How many times we gonna go through this before your pretty lil ass can get it right?!"

"I'm trying Raheem!" I yelled back at him. Clearly frustrated too. I wasn't cut out for this.

"Well you not trying hard enough dammit! I gave yo boy a shot and I can take it away real quick if you don't pull this off gurl."

Giving him the coldest look I could muster up I bit my tongue and let it go. Rolling my eyes I huffed. "I got it, leave Cavonte out of this."

Seizing me up he made a hand signal for the guy to turn the fan back on along with the music. "I thought so."

Placing my hands firmly on the hood I leaned back with one of my legs bent. The heel of my shoe at the edge of the hood. Keeping some of my anger inside I held a fierce but sexy expression. I even ran my hands through my hair at one point.

"Yes. Just like that baby gurl!"

We went through a few more scenes. Most involving me shaking my ass with other girls and us feeling up on the wannabe rapper. We've been working on the music video for a couple weeks now and after today it'll be finished. I just want this to be over.

I made sure to remove all the fake ness from me as soon as I got to the bathroom. Snatching off my wig I threw it into the tub. What the hell am I doing? All of this for a damn boy? Shaking my head I sat on the toilet and ran my hands through my natural hair. I love him that's why i'm doing this. That day I sat with Cavonte at lunch and he told me about him knowing Rah. I just knew I had to help. I offered to be in his music videos in exchange for him finally letting Cavonte rap in his studio. Seeing Cavonte so happy that's what makes this all worth it.

Hopping on to the nearest city bus I headed home. I made sure to change back into my sweats and a cute Drake t-shirt. My video clothes back at the trap. It's not that late only six in the afternoon.

When I reached my house I noticed an unfamiliar car in the driveway. Odalis got a new car?

Stepping inside I heard voices in the kitchen. One voice surprised me and I knew instantly who it is.

"Mommy!" I screamed as I ran into the kitchen. Mom is leaning against the counter with her arms crossed. Dad and Odalis sitting at the table with Jay. It seemed like they were having a serious discussion until I interrupted.

Mom's frown changed quickly as she smiled brightly at me. Embracing me into a hug she said, "Girl you screaming like you never seen me before."

"It's been a month! I missed you how's everything back home?" I pulled away slightly. Just enough I can look up at her. Her slim frame and her dark complexion making her look even stunning. She wore long, straight black weave that stopped a couple inches pass her shoulders. Mom rocking a simple pair of jeans and a cute, lime blouse.

"Same ole same ole. Nothing really changed since you left but your friends miss you. Girl they be stopping me before I go to work talking about when I'm gonna drag your butt back over there."

I just laughed. Knowing my friends back home would do something like that. I miss them too even though we talk from time to time but it's not the same. I went over and hugged Dad. "What's going on guys?" I sat at the table.

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