Cavonte |Fifteen

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'Watch me, going out of the way
When I should've went home
Only time of the day I get to spend on my own
I was trippin' off how I used to sleep at ya crib,
Should drive by right where you live, and pick you up on the way
We ain't spoke in so long, probably put me in the past
I can still get you wet and I can still make you laugh
You should call into work if that ain't too much to ask
I could pour you up a drink and we can burn something
Come thru... come thru... come thru...'

Drake's song blasting from my laptop as I lay across my bed shirtless. Lost in my thoughts as Alyssa sat on the edge of my bed. It's been a week since i've heard or spoken to Santana. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss her. I thought about her all the time but I can't get over the video. It's like I don't even know her anymore. In the video you could almost mistake her for someone else. Santana's gorgeous, and in the video she looks... bad as hell. Even though she looked good she didn't need all the makeup, weave, and trashy clothing. She's suppose to be my girl but she's out here acting like some... I can't even say it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to think of Santana as Julisa or Nyema. I never would have thought Santana would be in something like that. She has so much going for her. She didn't need to show off her body.

Alyssa sat with her legs crossed. She wore a short, black skirt and a red half top. Her black and purple hair flowing down her back. As pretty as Alyssa is I didn't feel anything for her. No lust or attraction. All I could do was think about how much I wish it was Santana sitting on my bed. Santana and I are done. I need to move on from her. Maybe getting together with her was a mistake.

Alyssa had came up to me after class to see how I was doing and to apologize for ending our friendship. I knew the only reason she wanted to talk to me again is because she thought she had a chance. I was still mad at Santana so I asked Alyssa to come over after school. I did it as Santana was walking out the classroom. I knew she heard and I know that it hurt her. I wanted to hurt her. The same way she hurt me.

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