A/N: Should I Change Isabella's Age?

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Okay, so I've been thinking about this for a while, and I have been wondering if I should change Isabella's age. Currently, in the story, she is only thirteen years old, which I find as a pretty young age for some of the topics and actions discussed in this fanfic. However, I don't mind trying to just change her age just a little bit. And since Sofía in the story is already only two years older than Isabella, I may just have to change her age too.

So, what I've been thinking is changing Isabella's age to maybe... I don't know, fourteen or fifteen? And Sofía's age to... sixteen or seventeen? I really have no idea what their  ages should be, but I'm considering those ages because in the fanfic, obviously Isabella is going through a lot of girl trouble. But the thing is, she is too young for some of the actions she's doing, and even though this is fan fiction, I still don't think that it is acceptable for her to be making out with these girls and going through these problems at just thirteen (even though that really isn't too young of an age for that. Just saying). And also, I want to continue to write about these themes, but I don't want it to seem awkward writing about a thirteen year old girl who literally gets more action than like half of middle school, if you know what I mean.

I'm going to let y'all vote: what should Isabella's age be in this fanfic? I'm open to any suggestions.

Comment here for Isabella's age to be changed to 14.

Comment here for her age to be 15.

Comment here for Isabella's age to stay the same (13 years old).

And comment here if you think I'm overthinking this and should just leave everything how it is.

And I'll change Sofia's age in coordination of Isabella's.
Sorry for the rambling and overthinking. I just had to think about this for a moment.

And thank you to any of you who are still reading this fanfic! I will try to update on chapter 9 in less than two weeks!

Your fellow unicorn leader,
Mikayla 🦄

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