Chapter Thirteen: Don't See the Point

Start from the beginning

"Yes!" Data exclaimed using a controlled voice as he made another virtual car spin off the track. He quickly navigated around an oil slick, catching up with GoGo's vehicle.

The two were neck and neck, with GoGo making quick glances over at the android as she tried to push his car off the path and into a mud pit. But Data had figured out how to work the game and he wasn't about to let up. He pushed back just as hard. In a sudden last minute tactic, he managed to clip her car, sending her avatar careening off screen.

The finishing line flashed across the giant monitor and Data's car sped across it. Words scrolled across the screen, declaring the winner as virtual confetti flew all over the imaginary scene.

Data had an almost smirk on his face as he watched his avatar be presented with a trophy. It wasn't that he was gloating, but it was nice to actually go up against someone who had given him a run for his money. His expression quickly changed to a more neutral one as he turned to his opponent. "Would you like to go again?"

GoGo shook her head. She managed to slide her usual disinterested expression in place just in time. "Nah," she said. "Let's go see what the others are doing." She swung out of the seat, stretching from sitting so long. "I'll give you one point," she said, glancing at Data, "you're good."

Data gave her a quizzical look. "I was merely calculating how best to win given—"

Worf let out a rather odd sound. "Just take the compliment," he admonished, not wishing to hear the android's methodical analysis of how he'd won the game.

"Ah," Data said, understanding kicking in. "I see your point. How about we see what Counselor Troi and Honey Lemon are doing?"

They moved to another part of the game room where Honey Lemon had challenged Deanna to a game of Dance Off, where two players competed with moves presented by the game using a metal dance plate to determine who would be the winner.

Honey Lemon was going to town on her dance platform. Her high-heeled shoes flew across the raised squares, hardly missing a beat. She had an almost manic grin on her face as she moved her body to the rhythm of the song, following all the required moves like a pro. GoGo hadn't seen her that animated in a while.

Deanna, on the other hand, was struggling on the basic level. She kept hitting the wrong markers as she held on to the railing in front of her with her good side. She'd always considered herself fit but this was something else entirely.

Finally, the song came to an end. GoGo gave a slow clap. "Not bad, considering you went up against the woman with the reigning high score."

Honey Lemon smiled modestly at that. "I used to come here a lot with Tadashi," she admitted. "He's the one who introduced me to the game. He said he could never convince Hiro to play and needed someone to go up against." A slight hint of pink filtered up into her cheeks as she spoke.

Troi felt a wave of wistful sadness wash over the long-haired girl. Obviously Tadashi had been someone important to her as well, perhaps more so than to the others she'd observed so far. "I'll keep that in mind," she said, catching her breath after the unexpectedly intense exercise. The headache from before felt like it might come back.

"Does anyone know where the Captain went?" Worf asked as he looked around. He couldn't immediately spot Picard or Wasabi from his vantage.

Climbing down from the small platform, Honey readjusted her glasses. "I think they were over by the Skeet Ball machines."

Worf seemed confused by the term as his frown deepened. "Skeet Ball?"

GoGo shook her head, amused at the idea that someone didn't know what it was. "Skeet Ball is kind of like bowling, only instead of trying to hit pins at the end of a lane, you try to get your ball into different holes. The harder the holes are to hit, the higher the points."

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