i pulled Mackenzie out of the car and shut the door. "I didn't even notice her." Lillian whispered to me as i opened the door. i laughed at her and we entered my house.

"It's really nice in here." she said, looking around.

i nodded.

"You don't talk much either, huh?" she asked me.

"I guess you could say that. i only talk a lot while at the school because, well, it's mandatory to talk. but at home, i don't talk all that much unless I'm correcting this little one." i said, leading her up the stairs. she followed me as i held Mackenzie with one arm.

"here is where you'll sleep." i said, pointing to a door. she nodded at me and went in, putting her bag down. i took this time to lay Mackenzie back down in her bed.

i closed the door behind me before meeting Lillian in the hall.

"My room is the very last one and Mackenzie is between us." i said, pointing at the doors. she nodded.

"You hungry?" i asked her.

"Not really." she said. she was lying, i could tell.

she is my TA now so she is with me during lunch and she didn't eat today.

"What have you eaten today?" i asked her.

she froze. "Um, i already ate." she said, lying again.

"I don't believe you but i also cant force you to eat so whatever." i said, dropping the subject.

Lillian and i sat on the couch and didn't speak for a minute. we were both on our phones, texting.

"Momma?" i heard Mackenzie say from behind me. i turned around and looked at her.

she was in just her panties and she was sweating. i furrowed my brows. "You get hot?" i asked her.

she nodded and rubbed her eyes. "My tummy hurts." she said. she was getting shy because Lillian was looking at her.

she ran over to me and climbed on my lap, burying her face into my shirt.

i felt her forehead and her cheeks and she was burning up.

"Mackenzie, why don't you sit right here with Lillian and i'll go find a thermometer and some medicine." i said, sitting her down on the couch. she nodded and i went to find the stuff.

- Lillian's POV -

i sat there, looking at Mackenzie and she was looking at me.

she looked like a Spanish Miss Lovato. she was so adorable too. i smiled at her. Miss Lovato had disappeared somewhere to find medicine and stuff.

Mackenzie just sat there looking at me, in just her underwear. they were spongebob.

"You are very pretty, you know?" she said, shocking me. i smiled at her but she frowned. "You don't want to talk to me?" she asked.

"No, it's not that i don't want to talk to you, i just don't talk a lot. but i'll talk if you want me to." i said.

she smiled and crawled from her side of the couch to mine and she crawled onto my lap and started to play with my hair.

"Mackenzie, did you ask her to play with her hair?" Miss Lovato said from behind me.

"No." Mackenzie pouted and put her hands in her lap, still sitting on my lap.

"Here." Miss Lovato said, sticking the thermometer in Mackenzie's mouth. she held it there until it beeped.

Miss Lovato frowned. "102.2" she said.

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