Chapter 17 - Day In & Day Out: The Brothers

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Word Web defines it as a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior. But for me they exemplify the mere existence of life. The hope of a better tomorrow. If you observe the natural setting of them, what do you see? I see a twinkle of light broadcast throughout a dark surface, which ignites and shows us that there really is light in darkness. That the there is a tomorrow and though it be filled with troubles, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel. I feel hope, happiness and meaning. I feel repleted, ready to face the struggles of the next day. That single twinkling star, the one that always acts as a lighthouse. The one that directs us through dark paths, leading us towards better pastures. That's the twinkle I've been waiting for and now that I've found it I'm afraid. Afraid I'll mess it up. That I'll destroy the one thing that brought me something I never knew existed nor never believed in. The existents of a higher power in the form of love. Because that's how I see it. Dominating, anchoring, fulfilling yet heart wrecking. Has the ability to ground, create and destroy.

And right now that's Valeria for me.

She's my twinkle star in the midst of total darkness and I don't know how to avoid the inevitable. How not to mess this up. Life would've been a better place if it were accompanied by a manual. Where it tells you the dos and don'ts, so that you know what to do and what not to do. What to avoid, but no. Life is a school on its own, but the reverse form of school. Why the reverse form? Because in school you write the test only after learning the contends of the subject but in life you write the test before you acquire the contend. Unlike what you learn in school, life lessons are hard to forget. Because they always stick with you. Who wants to make the same mistake and go through the severe results of your actions twice? No one. Thus, you'll do all that you can to avoid the history from repeating itself. There is a phrase that says; I read about history. I'm not planning on repeating it. And how true it is.


I turn in my bed, struggling to sleep. I don't know what's happening to me. It seems like although I'm tired as fuck, I can't get to sleep. I want to rest my mind but its working overtime. Do I know the reason? Yep. And it's a simple answer. Nerves. I turn again. And again. Flail my legs up. Not helping. I twist into another positions. Not helping either. It seems like the more still I lie, the more severe I feel the happenings of my body. Like my heartbeat.

Fuck this. And with that, I pull out my phone from underneath the pillow. I immediately go to the contacts list, scrolling through them and stop at Valeria's name. My fingers hover over her name, deliberating with myself whether to call her or not. What if she is sleeping? I'll be waking her up and that's something I don't wanna do. Who do I call then? Xander? Nope. Not a chance. My contacts. Uhhmm, nope. God, hell no. Why the hell did I even think of that?

Sighs again!

What can I do then?

Without another thought, I send her a text.

Pius: Are you awake?

It's okay if she doesn't reply. At least I'll know she's sleeping, but to my utmost surprise my phone beeps.

Valeria: Who is this?

That makes me smile. I quickly type a reply. Let's see how this goes.

Pius: Guess who?

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