Chapter 9 - Tried & Unsuccessful

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There is only one constant in life that never ceases. Opportunities presenting themselves on silver platters just like that at the snap of the finger.

You've to go through the hard waters to get them and when they do present themselves, you don't act all modest. You grab them with both hands like an avaricious harum-scarum and never let them go.

That's my definition of Valeria's current status, as I so boldly call it.

I never thought I'll feel like this again. Contend, I mean. Yes, it still hurts. The pain will always be with me no matter where I'm, but at least it's bearable now. You might be wondering what happened, how I'm still breathing and all. Well, let's just say that's another topic for another time and get back to the most important subject at the present.

I'm better. I'm breathing. I've never felt more alive than ever.

It's odd, I know. Morphing from suicidal bitch to this, but as much as I try to run away from my problems, they will always follow me. If it's meant to happened, why run away. Just face them. Grab the horns with both hands. Your strength lies beneath your ability to have trust in yourself. Problems will always be there and no matter what you do, no matter how far you run, you can't never outrun what's meant to be. It'll still happen, and prolonging it from happening will not change anything.

This is life. Things happen. You laugh, love and live. The only thing you need to do is try and show the world what you are made of just like a certain someone once told me. At least that's what I'm trying to do. To be strong. Trying to move on with life. I tried and came out unsuccessful. If it's not your time then it's just not your time. No matter what you do, forcing yourself into things that ain't made for you will not alter that to fit your specific personal criteria.

I'm a survivor. I know that.

I went through the hard waters. I'm going through the cool showers now and I'll still go through the raging thunders soon. That I promise you. If you thought a lot has happened. You haven't lived in the world of Valeria Jaarson yet. The story of a girl who once died... Oh, crap. That wasn't supposed to happen. Well, anyways, her story is not yet over.

I mean my story.

A week has passed. I'm currently seated on the hospital bed, studying history. I have been couped up in this room for the whole week. Doctors— most especially Dr. Hovek—want to make sure everything is fine before they discharge me, meaning I've nowhere else to study. I'm writing history next week, so I forced Ndeshi to bring me my notes to prepare for the exams.

My reverie is put to an instant halt as the door suddenly cracks open. I shoot my head up, to look at the person that just ruin my peaceful quiet. You know, after everything I've been through, the quiet has come to mean the world to me, and people stepping their stinky feet's to ruin it, aggravates my rage.

Ndeshi come strolls into the room as if she owns the place.

"Oh, I see you are up and about. Feeling better?" she asks too cheekily for my liking.

"Is that supposed to be a rhetoric question or do I have to validate that with an acceptable answer?" I sit up straight.

"Oohh. Ice waters please. You know for someone—"

"Someone that what Ndeshi?" I question her with my cold glare which I'm sure doesn't even trigger anything in her neurochemical cells. She opens her mouth to defend herself but I beat her to it. "Don't you even dare think about saying that out loud." I look her straight in the eyes, not wavering.

Victim of Circumstance | UNDER RIGOROUS EDITING Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora