Chapter 1: Alone

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Staying quite and hidden was the key now. Especially when you're alone. If you were found it was kill or be killed..simple as that. Even though the world we knew was over. There were still rules....unspoken rules.

I was walking alone, in the dark woods looking for anything...useful, like a weapon or shelter. I'm a traveler I don't set up a camp. I find a place to sleep at night and in the morning, I pack up and leave. I'm on the move all the time, yeah it might seem stupid but it seems better to always keep moving. Keeping yourself occupied in this crazy world, is one way to keep you sane. I walk or I find cars and drive them till I run out of gas or until I can find some more. The woods have always been my second home. Growing up with my brothers it's always been about hunting. And being a girl, I was always in competition with them. I don't like to be underestimated or control, two things my family liked to do most. 

 I scanned the ground for tracks of any kind. The trail was mucked up by what was probably a walker. I sighed and followed the tracks the best I could and soon saw something. Not an animal and not a walker, at least it didn't look like one. But a man, a man who looked unconscious by a tree of course my new instinct kicked in to grab my sword in one hand. Along with putting my other hand closer to my pistol which was resting in it's holster. I always carried a sword, a pistol or two, a knife and a crossbow with me. After getting closer to the man on the ground I realized he didn't look infected. He was carrying a crossbow as well, something many people don't own. I scanned his body for bites or scratches but there were none as far as I could see but I still wasn't taking any chances. 

The man had dark chocolate brown hair and looked to be about five foot seven. He was wearing dark jeans with small rips and tears in them. He had what looked like dried blood on him from killing a walker. Which seems to be everyone who hasn't had a shower new accessory. I scanned the area for walkers and saw one getting closer to us. Once it got close enough, I swung my sword and sliced it's head off. Which then rolled away while still snapping it's stained teeth. It's body fell backward onto the ground in a heap. Everyone knows a walker doesn't die until you shoot or stab it through the brain. Which wasn't hard since they are so rotten, they practically are like a sponge. I used my sword to officially put the thing down before returning to the man. It wasn't until then I saw the new addition of blood on my black leather jacket. Figuring it was safe I bent down to the man and saw he was still breathing. I searched his body even more for bites. There wasn't any on him at least not as far as I can see. Luckily it was early morning when I found him, because in the new world darkness means death. Time went by slow and in the old world I would have probably fallen asleep but now even sleep means death, if your not careful. So I trained myself to stay up for hours. I just watched and listened to everything. Your senses seem to get stronger as you adapt. Hours have passed and nothing has changed I turned to scan the woods I heard a groaning or moaning type noise. I slowly turned around and I felt a hand touch my mouth and push me hard onto the ground. What was happing? Was this the end for me? After all I've been threw I can't die now! I won't be going down without a fight!


I think I'm gonna have A LOT OF FUN writing this story. I love the Walking Dead but more importantly DARYL DIXON! But anyway Thanks for reading! Vote, comment, inbox or comment me ideas or what you think and thanks! Happy Reading! :)

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