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"It will be Ethan or Grayson. I am not sure," Wesley says. "One of them is going to..."

"I won't believe that. I can't"

"Johanna listen to-"

"NO! I can't! I am slowly gaining my memories back, but I know I have lived my whole life with the both of them. They have shown me what love truly is. You have too. Living with my mom or my dad. All of a sudden I learn that my dad was alive the entire time and my mom... my mom wanted to kill me?!" 

I start to get angry and heated. I can't believe all these things are true. 

"You lied to me my entire life. I know you did it to protect me but when were you planning on telling me the truth?!" 

"Hanna you have to-"

"No no no I won't have to conversation right now. Those boys, I will get them out of here. I will free you too. I will come and get you too just stop telling me something bad is going to happen. I know something bad will happen but why would it not. We are trying to escape a crazy-"

"Wake up Johanna!" Wes yells at me not making eye contact.

"Excuse me?!" 

"No no you have to actually wake up! Don't you feel that?"

"Feel what?" All of a sudden I feel fear and worry rush through my body. It's Grayson. I need to wake up. 

I lay on the ground in the middle of this field. I shit my eyes and place my body how it was when I fell asleep. I loosen up my body and breathe slowly. As much as my heart is racing, I need to remain calm inorder to wake up. 

"Grab my hand," Wesley says reaching out to me. I look up at him and grab him hand and the room around us changes. The white walls appear around us and he slowly starts to fade. A handcuff forms around my right hand and I drop my other. 

I look up and Grayson is gone. His handcuff and food tray lays across from me. He was taken somewhere and I wasn't here to protect him. I look at me right hand and form a fist. I need to try this again. 

I let the anger inside rise. The anger that my mother never loved me. She raised me for five years planning on how to kill me. I watched a casket get buried but she wasn't in it. My dad left me with this monster. He left without meeting me and he never made the effort to find me. Wesley lied my entire life. He cared for me but lied. Was he ever going to tell me the truth. 

I let my eyes shine, fangs seep out, and claws come out. With all the force within me I yank my arm from the pole.

The handcuff chain breaks and I am free. I cool down and turn back to my regular self. I need to find Grayson then Ethan. I know where Wesley is now, I need to get him too. 

I run towards the door and open it. I am ready to fight. I am ready for my revenge. 

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