"I brought the blanket and pillow down," he said, making it known that he was there.


"No problem. Goodnight," Jungkook then turned to go back upstairs.


Before going to his room, Jungkook made sure to stop by your room once more just to tell you goodnight. After about 3 knocks, a call of your name, and a few seconds of waiting, the door opened up.

"You need something, Kookie?" you asked.

"Oh no," he shook his head. "I just wanted to tell you goodnight..." he trailed off because he had taken notice of how well you wore the pajamas he lent to you. The clothes were a bit too big for you, nevertheless, he still liked how they looked on you.

"What is it?" you looked down at yourself, after seeing him spaced out. "Oh, the pajamas! It's kind of baggy, but, that's fine." You turned left, then right to show off more of it.

He gave a sheepish smile, "you look cute."

"I know you don't like sharing your clothes with people, but I'm grateful that you gave them to me anyway," you smiled.

"It's no problem," he scratched the back of his head. "Well, get a good nights rest, okay?"

"You too! G'night!" You then closed the door back and hopping into bed.

Tossing and turning constantly in his sleep, was Kim Taehyung. At first, he thought he could fall asleep, no problems whatsoever, but that didn't seem to be the case anymore. The poor guy couldn't get to sleep no matter how hard he tried. Finally giving up on getting any kind of comfort, Taehyung kicked off the cover and swung his feet out and onto the floor.

"I need to a real bed to sleep on," he declared, and trudged his way up the stairs. "I'll just go to Jungkookie's room." With his eyes half open, Taehyung stood in the middle of the hall, looking back and forth between two doors. "Which room was it again?" he scratched his head and proceeded to the door closest to him.

With only his boxers and a shirt on his body, Taehyung took the sheets by its hem and slid himself under them. With a shimmy or 2, Taehyung found immediate comfort and began to drift off into the sleep that he'd been struggling to get for the last 25 minutes.

The very next morning, you were beginning to awake from your well-rested sleep, but was still too comfortable to open your eyes. While the rest of your senses were trying to come together, your sense of smell already had a head start. Something faint in sweetness was swirling in your nostrils. You thought nothing of it until you were beginning to realize that something was familiar about this scent. It smelt like--

"Vanilla...?" you mumbled in a fairly groggy tone. Then you began to question yourself. Why were you smelling vanilla?"

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