Episode 6: The First Test

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Aelita summon her wing and fly up, Maya follow the lead, she fly over an very beautiful landscape, she fly over a narrow passage, learn how to do a barrel roll, learn how midair stop and dash. Overall their training go smoothly. At William's side

- William: alright Emma, we fight 1v1 with our sword

- Emma: that's it , that is my special training?

- William: no, this is (*turn to super smoke form*)

William sneak behind Emma back and surprise attack her, she dash forward flip William's sword up, William sweep kick, Emma jump and slash down,

William block the attack, the shockwave form the block push both Emma and William backward

- Emma: man this sword is heavy

- William: you know how long it is since i last step in here, i'm getting to old for this

They both laugh at William joke, then continue on the sword fighting. After a while Emma learn some new combo she could use, she learn how to use Force Pulse(shockwave pulse form XANA's sword) and Heatseeker(Control the sword). At Odd's side

- Odd: alright son, climb that wall with me

- Oliver: that wall is 50 feet tall, how could i even climb up there

- Odd: well you got my power isn't it?

- Oliver: yes but i don't have your cat suit

- Odd: stop calling it a cat suit. You possess a unique skill call Wall Run while i have Wall Climb so... (*jump to wall and climb*)

- Oliver :hey! (*run on the wall*)

Odd climb very fast due to her agility and speed while Oliver is having a hard time because he is running on a vertically platform. Seeing being distance by his mom, Oliver use Booster, a little exhaust pipe open and launch out, Oliver gain a great amount of speed, he go pass his mom wink to her while saying "see ya later".

Meanwhile at the real world

- Jeremy: Edward, you take over the control, i have somewhere else to go

- Edward: where are you even going

- Jeremy : you know, back to the lab and monitor, oh yeah 1 other thing i forgot to say, good work on that United Program, who know combining 2 generation's power into 1 could be so useful

- Edward: right.... thanks dad

Jeremy then go back to the lab. At Ulrich's side

- Ulrich: son i'm going to teach you how to use the sword properly

- Eric: i'm think i'm fine with my gun dad

- Ulrich: really? Quadriplicate!!!

Ulrich split into 4, he surroundes Eric, fire his shotgun but all miss, he then smile and said

- Eric: ok i think i know how to attack you, to make thing interesting, i'm gonna throw these bullets to the sky to reload my gun, when it in the chamber i win... 3...2...1 (*throw the bullets up*)

Ulrich and his clones rush to attack Eric, at that moment Eric seem he can slow down the motion of the world, he draw out his sword slash the right, left, behind clone then point the sword at Ulrich, he suddenly stop, the bullets fall into the chamber, Ulrich was amazed at Eric sword skill, they reset the training but this time both of them using sword and trade attacks with each other. At Yumi's side, both mother and daughter are practice using telekinesis to move a large rock but some how Yumeko can't use telekinesis

Code Lyoko: The Broken Time ( COMPLETE)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin