Afterword + Ask Qs for my Final Q&A

Start from the beginning

Ok! Jungkook, great guy!
In this fanfic, he seems somewhat rough but he is actually have that hero character to him since he kept on saving Y/N many times.
He's an innocent kid who doesn't have much experience of interacting with girls. So he kinda acts like a Tsundere (cold/mean on the outside, warm on the inside) around girls he kinda likes or is attracted to. When Y/N kissed him (when they first met), obviously he was jungshooked but he couldn't distinguish nor understand the feelings that had bubbled inside of him during that time. He kinda had thought it was slight anger or hatred. So like how an immature kid shows affection to another is by being mean to them ((How to flirt when you're still a fetus 101 by Kyukie2507 😂😂)). But later on as he matures, he starts to realise that his feelings for Y/N wasn't just a plain emotion, it was feeling of love and desire.
He figures it out when he saw Taehyung kissing Y/N with his present at hand, he felt jealous, upset and heartbroken. Y'know what they say, you won't realise something is there until it's lost ;)

But Jungkook is the type of guy who really REALLY respects his hyungs, he wanted to hide his feelings away. Trying to deny his feelings for Y/N by ignoring her, hoping that he was wrong and the feelings were just temporary. Jungkook had matured a lot since he accepts the fact that Taehyung likes Y/N and allowed them to be together if they decided to do so.

Min Yoongi is such a cute guy, one of my favourite characters to work with tbh. He's one of those cold, scary characters but really are soft and warm in the inside. He is sincere and has such a big heart when shown. That what makes it great about him, when he does something for Y/N. He would've put a lot of thought in it and tried his best to show his affection, even though he isn't used of being so open to others, especially to girls.
The purpose of his character was to also teach Y/N on how that she should continue to fulfil her dream and gave her hope that one day her family could accept her dream.
Also Y/N opened up his heart to her which made Yoongi amazed and happy since he rarely ever felt this way with someone before which resulted him to fall for Y/N. At first he was fine being friends with Y/N, but later on grew greedy and seek for Y/N's attention and love.

Taehyung is such a cutie, even though he isn't one of my top biases, no one can deny he's a cutie!
His character is the unpredictable type, I went with this theme because he is actually unpredictable hence the nickname Alien. He's cute and fluffy at one point but then turns into a sexy beast. Tbh the only scenes I was going to give him was the indirect kiss at the shopping centre ^-^' so he's lucky I winged up making the living room scene.
(Yeh him and Jimin initially weren't going to have many scenes unfortunately)
I sadly didn't give him a back story because I couldn't think of any -.- but maybe I will next time.
He's the type of guy who wishes to experience what it feels like to love. When he had fallen for Y/N, he had never wanted nor thought to look at another girl in a way he looks at Y/N. He's loyal and never had a thought to give up on her unlike Jungkook.
But this could reveal how naive Taehyung is when it comes to love.

Ok Rapmonster aka RM aka Namjoon. Another unpredictable bloke.... That scene when he shouted at Y/N was also not planned 😖 and when I saw the negative reaction, I was like "oh noo what should I do >.< wtf have I done?!?! There is no way people can forgive him now."
Tbh I don't think many have forgave him to this point, but I tried my best.
I didn't mean to make him so mean... Rapmon's character was just a side character. His only scenes with Y/N was supposed to be the arcade scene and the scene when he makes out with Y/N when he was drunk.
But after giving him an unexpected scene, it makes Rapmon feel a lot of guilt and regret of hurting Y/N and tries his best to protect her in anyway he can, but he also worries if his presence would bother Y/N since he still thinks she held a grudge against him (which she doesn't). Therefore resulting Rapmon to not be near Y/N. He appears to be rough, but is actually soft and sensitive.

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