Snow Fort

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(Sabine is only 9)

Sabine was playing out side in the snow that covered the small planet she called home. Sabine liked playing in the snow for it was one of the few things that she could do n this ice ball.

"Hey Sabine what are you up to". Sabine turned her head to see her older brother Tristan. "I'm playing" Sabine told him. "Wow that sounds like fun. Can I join " he asked his little sister. Sabine nodded.

"I'm trying to make a snow fort. Can you help me". "Of course I'll help. First we are going to need a sled and shovel's to move the snow around" Tristan said. "I'll get them" Sabine told him as she got up and ran back to the house.

When Sabine entered, she was in the main room. She seen some of her relatives walking and talking. Sabine then seen her mother and father talking at the throne. Sabine smiled and ran up to them.

When she did, her parents spotted her. "There's my little girl, where have you been. I haven't seen you all day" her father said as she smiled. "Me and Tristan are building a snow fort outside in the snow. I'm looking for two shovel's and a sled. Do you know where they are" Sabine asked.

"they should be in one of the back rooms" Her mother told her. "Okay thank you" Sabine said as her father put her down and she ran off down the hallway.

*Time skip*
"I got them" Sabine said as she pulled the sled that had two shovel's on it. "Great work Sabine. Now let's get building" Tristan said as he picked up one of the shovel's and started piling up the snow into one big mount.

A few hours passed and Sabine and Tristan were done. They looked and admired their work. "That's a nice snow fort". They spun around to see their father standing there with a smile on his face.

"Do you want to have a snowball fight with us" Sabine asked. Their father smirked. "You two have 5 second's" he laughed. With that Sabine and Tristan ran and hind inside their small snow fort and started making some snowball.

"Ready" Tristan asked his little sister. She nodded. "Let's get him" he said. And with tjat, they ran out of the fort and started attacking there dad. Let's juts say by the end of the day, they were all laughing and had a great day.

Sorry this isn't longer but I don't really feel well. I'll try and make the new character longer.

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