Ahsoka's Friend part 4

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Ezra P.O.V
Me and Ahsoka walked to the command center and meet the Ghost Crew. "Guys this is Ezra. He will be joining your mission to get the new data" Ahsoka told them.

"Well it's nice of you to join us Ezra" the Twi'lek, Hera I think, said to me. "No problem" I replied.

"So you all will be going to Lothal to the main communication tower to block imperial broadcasts and we can use is" Ahsoka explained. My eye's widdened. "But Ahsoka, that's suicide. Everyone knows that that tower is the most highly sucured in the outer rim" I told her.

"I know. That's why I'm teaming you up with this crew" Ahsoka explained. I sighed and nodded my head. "OK let's go crew" Hera said.

I looked back at Ahsoka and she had a worried look. "Don't worry Ahsoka we will be fine" I told her. She looked up and smiled.

"I know you will. Stay out of trouble" Ahsoka told me. "Can't promise that" I laughed as I ran after the Ghost Crew.

I found them at the air lock. "Ok let's go" the man, I think his name was Kanan, told his crew.

They looked over at me. "You ready" Hera asked me. I nodded my head yes. She smiled as we made are way into the ship.

Sorry this is short but I want to ask you all something. Do you want me to do a book about this one shot. Because in my last chapter someone asked could I do a book about this. So should I?

Rebels and Clone Wars short storysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora