Chapter 15

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Lamelo's P.O.V.

I walk away from Mace, and head back towards my team to warm up.

After around 15 minutes, the buzzer goes off, signaling that it's time to start the game. I jog over to the bench and sit down, listening to our coach, and waiting for the announcer to start calling our names.

I'm excited to start the game, one, because I love the game, and two, because Macy will be watching me. I mean, I know she's watched me before, but I like having her watch me, cause it just means I have a reason to show off during the game.

I hear them call my name and stand up our of my seat. I jog over to my teammates and look for Macy, hoping she's out of the shower by now. Luckily, she was and she gave me a smile, and a thumbs up, like I did to her. I smile at her and nod my head, signaling that I'm going to do good. Even though she already knows that.

The ref blows his whistle and I get into my position, ready to get the ball. O jumps up, and wins the jump off, giving me the ball.

Let the game begin.


Ok, so, this game isn't going as good as I thought it would. It's actually a really close game, and right now it's half time. We're up by one point, 43-42, and it's just not our day. We've been missing threes, turning over the ball, and missing our free throws. Honestly, I'm freaking out, I don't want to lose, but my game's been really off tonight. I don't know why, though.

"So, don't give them the ball. Fight for it! Foul for all care, just don't foul out! This is a good team we are playing, and we can't go into games to cocky cause this'll happen. We need to prove that we are better, and get out there, and win this game!" Coach exclaims. "So, what're we gonna do?!?!" He asks.

"We're gonna show 'em what we got!" We shout back.

"Good! Now get out there, and win yourselves a basketball game!"

"Yea!" We all shout, as we get up and run back into the gym.

When I get back out there, I see Macy sitting by my parents and talking. She catches my glance and gives me a smile. I smile back towards her as I hear the scoreboards buzzer.

I jog over towards the bench and into the huddle.

"1, 2, 3, Huskies!" We shout, as we head back out onto the floor.

It's time to show them what I really got.


"YEA!" I yell as the final buzzer goes off. If you couldn't tell, we won our game, 87-83, and I'm pretty excited right now.

After half time, I start doing pretty good, if you consider sinking seven threes pretty good. I had ten threes overall, one more than Mace, and I'm not going to let her forget it.

My team and I started to head towards our families to talk to them before we go change. As I make my way towards them, and Mace, she sees me and runs towards me.

"OH MY GOSH YOU DID SO GOOD!" She shouts as she jumps on me, and I catch her. "Now it's me who's proud of you," she says, with a giant smile on her face.

I give her a smile back and chuckle. Wow, her smile's so pretty. She's really pretty, too. Actually, no, she's beautiful. I don't know what I did to get to have her in my life.

"Helllllllloooooo, Melo, did you hear me?" She asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, what?" I ask while shaking my head.

"I said, you can put me down now, I'm probably tiring your arms out."

"Oh, shut up, I could hold you all day, and my arms wouldn't tremble one bit," I told her, not putting her down.

"Fine, whatever you say. Just don't complain to me tomorrow about how much your arms hurt," she says, jumping out of my grasp. I pout slightly and shake my head, laughing. She grabs my arm, and pulls me towards my family.

"Hey, you did a good job your second half Melo. I don't know what happened during your first half, but way to pull it out," my dad tells me, while patting my back.

"Thanks dad, I don't know what happened the first half either, so let's not talk about it."

"Agreed," he said with a laugh.

I talk to my family for a little bit longer, and then I go to change.

When I come back up, Macy and my family are still here, waiting for me.

"You guys could've left, you know that right?" I ask them while chuckling.

"We were having a good conversation with Macy, so we stayed to finish it," my mom says.

"Ok, we let's get going. Are we taking you home?" I ask Macy.

"No, I'm going to call my brother to come get me."

"No, were taking you home cause that would mean that you'd be here for another half hour and you could get mugged, or raped, especially if you wait outside," I tell her as I linked my arm with her and lead her towards our car, following behind my parents cause I don't know where we parked.

"Melo, don't say that," my mom says, turning around and smacking my arm.

"What!?! It could happen," I defend.

Macy just shakes her head and laughs.

"Thanks for worrying so much, Melo," she says, still laughing.

"No problem. Hey! Since we're taking you home, you should spend the night!" I suggest, excitedly.

"I guess I could ask, but we'd have to stop by my house so I can grab clothes."

"Nah, you can just borrow some of mine," I tell her.

"You sure?" She asks.

"Yea, I don't mind," I tell her with a smile.

"Thanks," she says, smiling back.

I just nod my head at her, as she turns to look out the window.

Tonight's gonna be fun.

Do you even ball? ~Lamelo Ball~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon