Chapter 3

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"PRAISE THE LORD!" I hear Paige yell behind me as the final bell rings. I laugh to myself as I gather my books and meet Paige at the classroom door to get ready to leave.

"Hey," I hear behind me as Paige and I are approaching our lockers. I turn around to Lamelo and O standing behind us with goofy smiles on their faces. I smiled to myself at how excited Lamelo looks to be getting out of school, almost as excited as Paige, but I don't think anyone can be as excited to leave school as much as Paige can.

"Hey," I say back. I closed my locker after I got all of my stuff out of it, and turned towards Paige's locker, then started internally fangirling, again, because I realized that she was finally talking to O. So, I turned around with a giant smile on my face and started a conversation with Lamelo as we started to walk towards the entry doors to leave the school.

"So what do you usually do after school?" I asked as we walked out the doors.

"Well, since it isn't basketball season my boys and I usually go to my house, or I go to theirs to hang out. If it's nice out, we'll go walk around town sometimes to get out of the house. What about you?" He responded.

"I usually go to Paige's, or vice versa, and we'll do homework together, and then talk for a while. That's about it, though." I say back.

"Well, you and I should hang out today. We can get to know each other better." Lamelo said while smiling his cheeky smile. I turned my head to hide my blush. Did Lamelo Ball just ask me if I wanted to hang out with him. Like just ME and HIM! Oh my I think my knees are getting weak. Ok, you got this Macy, act normal, stay calm, and don't make a fool of yourself, and then everything will go fine.

"That sounds gre- I mean, um, yea, sure, that's sounds cool. Let me go ask my brother." Wow, good one Macy, way to get overexcited IN FRONT of him. That deserves a pat on the back, really good job. If I could, I'd roll my eyes at myself for not staying calm. Although, it doesn't look he noticed, which is a good thing.

As I was approaching my brother's car with Lamelo following me, I realized that I lost Paige. I abruptly stopped, causing Lamelo to bump into me from behind, and put his hands on my waist from instinct, to make sure I didn't fall.

"Um, s-sorry, I-I didn't mean to," he stuttered into my ear because of how close he was to me.

"I-it's ok, it was my fault, I just realized that Paige wasn't behind us with O anymore," I say quietly as I realize that Lamelo hasn't moved his hands away from my waist yet.

"Wait, they aren't?" Lamelo asked as he turned his head to look behind us, causing his hands to move slightly down. With that happening, Lamelo realized that his hands were still on my waist, instantly dropping his hands and blushing, he whispered, "Sorry," while looking down to hide his blush. If I'm being honest, it was probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

"It's ok. I found them! They're over there talking to my brother." I exclaim as I start to head towards my brother, Paige, and O. Lamelo was shortly behind me. As I was almost to my destination, I started to tune into what they were talking about.

"So if you could just tell Macy that I can't take you guys home, that'd be great," Zeke was telling Paige as I finally arrived.

"Why won't you be able to take us home?" I ask, being the curious, nosey person I am.

"I just can't, that's all," my brother said quietly as he looked behind me giving Lamelo a confused look as if saying, "Boy why are you following my sister around?" I ignored it though, and continued questioning my brother.

Do you even ball? ~Lamelo Ball~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant