Chapter 28

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Lamelo's P.O.V.

At the moment, I thought it'd be best to stop by Macy's house to try to talk to her, since she ignored me all weekend, and at school. But now, I'm kind of second guessing myself. The second I walked through the door, she looked like she wanted to hit me in the balls, with a sledgehammer. Yet, at the same time, she looked like a sad, like a lost puppy. Which, of course, made me feel worse.

I walked over to her bed, and sat on the edge, causing her to move farther away from me.

"Um, can we talk? Please," I asked, after we sat in silence for what felt like hours.

I didn't get a verbal response, all I got was a glare, but I took that as a yes, even though it probably wasn't.

"Look, Mace, you have no idea how bad I feel. I didn't mean for you to find out like that, honestly, I didn't even want you to find out. I'll admit, it was a bet at first, yes, but after I hung out with you for the first time, talked to you, got to know you, I forgot all about the bet. You mean so much more to me than just a bet, ok? I don't want to lose you. Please, can you find it in your heart to at least give me a second chance?" I pleaded  her, begging her with my eyes. Although, I don't think it's working, because I saw no change in her eyes, all I saw was how broken she was.

"Lamelo," she whispered, "please leave."

"Macy, please don't do thi-"

"I said leave," she interrupted me, raising her voice. "I don't want to see you right now, or possibly ever. You hurt me, you lost my trust, you broke my heart. So don't come in here acting like I'm just going to forgive, because I'm not! It's not that easy, Lamelo!" She paused, and took a shaky breathe. "Of course, you wouldn't understand that. You weren't the one who was just a bet," she whispered, and it broke my heart even more. She doesn't think I still love her. She doesn't think that I care for her. She thinks all I did was use her. I'm breaking her, and it's breaking me.


Macy's P.O.V.

A tear streamed down my face, while he sat there. He didn't say anything, he didn't try to do anything, he just sat there. He looks so lost. I don't know why though, he should've known this was coming.

"Please, get out," I whispered, not even looking at him. I didn't have to, to know what he looked like at the moment. I don't really feel bad though, he should know how much it hurts to have someone you love, hurt you.

I heard his feet walk across my floor, more like drag. He's probably doing it to get my attention. To have me turn back around and jump into his arms. To forgive him, to love him, but I can't.

Once he reached my door, I heard him open it with a sigh. I don't think I've ever heard a door be opened so solemnly. He finally walked out, slowly closing the door behind, but before he completely closed it, I heard him say, "I know I messed up. I messed up  really bad, but I still love, and I'll prove it. I'll do whatever I have to, to get you back." With that being said, he finally closed the door, and walked down my stairs.

I let go of all the tears, I couldn't help myself, I've been really emotional lately. Seeing him only makes it worse.

I texted Paige, asking her to come over. She always knows what to say, or do. I seriously couldn't ask for a better best friend, I don't know what I would do without her.

Almost instantly, I got a text back from her, saying she was on her way. After I read that, I put my phone to sleep and just laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

He broke me, and I can tell that it's starting to break him.

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