Chapter 22

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Macy's P.O.V.

Ok, so Lamelo asked me if I wanted to come hang out with him, at his house, at 7. Maybe he's gonna tell me why he's been a little off today. Anyways, him and I have been hanging out in their living room with Paige, O, Gelo, and Eli.

"Hey, do you guys want to go swimming?" Melo asked.

"No, not really," Gelo said, after he looked at everyone and they just kind of shook their heads.

"What about you, Mace?" Melo asked me, with a hopeful look on his face.

"Um, sure I guess, but I didn't bring a swimsuit."

"You can just go in your sports bra and shorts, you did the other day."

"True, ok let's go," I say, as I get up off the couch and head outside, with Lamelo following me.

Once we get outside, Lamelo immediately takes off his shirt and jumps into the pool. I follow his actions, and jump in shortly after him.

We messed around, splashing each other, and jumping on each other for a little bit. I guess he got tired of swimming, because after a bit he looked at me and asked if I wanted to play a game of horse.

"Yea, sure," I agree, grabbing his hand so he can help me out of the pool.

I waited by the basketball hoop, while Melo went to grab a ball.

"Aight, you can go first," he said, as he bounced the ball towards me.

"You sure you can handle me going first?" I asked, while smirking at him.

"Oh, yea, you're right. I'm soooooooo​ scared, maybe I should go first," Melo said, sarcastically.

"Too late," I respond, as I shoot the ball and swish it through the net.

I give Lamelo a smirk and toss him the ball.

"Bring it," he said, competitively.

"Oh, it's on."


Lamelo's P.O.V.

Macy and I just got done with our game of horse.

"Ha, in your face! I always knew I was better," she said with pride. Just so everyone knows, I let her win, she just doesn't need to know that. Besides, she's cute when she celebrates.

"Shut up, you don't need to remind me," I say, playfully rolling my eyes as we go back inside.

You see, taking her outside to go swimming, and then playing horse, was part of my plan. While we were outside, O, Eli, Gelo, and Paige were setting everything up, so I could ask her out afterwards.

I'll admit, the closer we got to my room, the more nervous I felt. What if she says no? Shut up! She won't say no, hopefully. I mean, she wouldn't of kissed me back if she didn't like me, right?

I took a deep breathe in, and blew it out, before I opened my door. I hope they didn't mess setting this up.

As I open my door, with a patient Macy behind me, I smile to myself. For once, they didn't mess anything up. I took a step inside, and heard Macy behind me.

"Melo," she said cautiously, "what is this?"

"Well, it's kind of for you," I tell her nervously.

Just to let you know, my plan for asking her out has gone perfectly so far. While Macy and I were outside, O, Eli, Gelo, and Paige started to set everything up. They put a sign on my bed that said, "You know, I finally got the balls to ask you something. We'll just have to go to the balcony first."

After Macy read the sign, she turned to me and gave me a curious look.

"Ask me what?" She asked, curiously.

"We'll have to go to the balcony, first," I responded, with a shrug.

She slowly nodded her head and followed my outside. Gelo and them were suppose to put something else out here when they heard us come in. Hopefully, they didn't forget.

As we walked out, onto the balcony, I saw that the rest of it was set up. Thankfully.

I turned towards Macy, to see her reaction. She was silent for a little bit, hopefully she was just taking it all in. I mean, I didn't over do it, did I.

"Melo, I don't know what to say," she said, at a loss for words. In front of her, was a giant teddy bear, holding a basketball, with a sign on it that said, "I swear, going out with me would be a BALL, but that's only if you say yes."

"Well, hopefully, you say yes," I say, as I grab a sign that was facing the opposite direction, so she wouldn't see it. I hold it up as she is turning towards me. The sign says, " YES or NO," and it has two basketball hoops, one under yes, and one under no, with a basketball in between them.

Macy observes the sign, taking longer than I was hoping for her to take, until, finally, she picks up the paper basketball, and puts it in the hoop under... Yes.

She looks up at me, with a giant smile, and says, "Of course, I will go out with you."

I put down the sign, relieved, and give her a giant hug.

Yes, this went perfectly!

Do you even ball? ~Lamelo Ball~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang