Chapter 54

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Macy's P.O.V.

Making breakfast is something that I will never hate. I love to cook. It may have taken me more than five minutes to get out of Lamelo's grip upstairs, but he will soon appreciate my absence. He likes my cooking, or at least that's what I like to think.

I finish taking the rest of the bacon off of the pan, and onto a big plate. Now it's time to go wake everyone up. This should be fun! I walk upstairs, deciding to go wake up Zeke and Gelo first. Once I reach Zeke's room, I knock on the door, making sure I won't accidentally walk in on something weird. When I don't hear an answer, I know they are both sleeping, so I walk in.

"Ayo, Zeke and Gelo, you guys better get up!" I shout while I walk further into Zeke's room.

"Man, shut up, we're trying to sleep," Zeke mumbled.

"Yea, lil' Hanson, us guys need our beauty sleep," Gelo agrees.

"Obviously that's not helping you guys," I laugh. "Now get up, or Lamelo and I are going to eat all the food."

"You got him up for food before us!" Gelo exclaims, jolting up.

"No, but I'm gonna go get him up, so I recommend that you guys go get food now. Cause that boy may be skinny, but he can sure eat," I state, walking out of Zeke's room to go wake up Melo. Not even thirty seconds after I leave his room, him and Gelo are racing down the stairs to go get food. I laugh to myself as I open my bedroom door. I look over to my bed to see Lamelo fast asleep. I'm so lucky to have him. He looks so peaceful sleeping. Welp, looks like it's time to end that.

"LAMELO!!! IT'S TIME TO GET UP!!!" I shout while jumping onto my bed and jumping around.

"On my god, Macy. Shut. Up," he mumbles in his morning voice, turning onto his stomach and burying his head into one of my pillows.

"Come on lazy, get up! I made food, and Zeke and Gelo are already downstairs eating some," I state, stopping my jumping and sitting down next to him. He groans into my pillow and turns his head towards me.

"Can't we just stay in bed all day?" he asks, giving me his best puppy dog eyes. They're cute, but I didn't make breakfast for my boyfriend just so he could stay up here and NOT eat it.

"Nope, I made it for you, so you at least have to go down and eat some. Then we can come back up and be lazy until you have to leave," I compromise. He gives me a small smile and pulls the covers off of his body.

"I'm fine with that, let's go eat babe." he gets out of my bed and pulls me along with him.

"You're such a goof," I laugh while I follow him downstairs.

We reach the kitchen and start to plate our food. Luckily, Zeke and Gelo left some for us. Lamelo and I go into our dining room after we finished grabbing what we wanted. I sat next to Zeke and Lamelo sat next to Gelo, which was right across from me. We mostly ate our food in silence, a small conversation here and there. It seemed to me that Lamelo was in a hurry to get back upstairs because he inhaled his food and ended up being done before Zeke and Gelo.

"Damn boy, did you taste any of it?" Gelo joked while he watched Melo stand up from his spot to go put his plate in the kitchen.

"Actually I did, it tasted very good. Thank you, Mace," he finished, giving me a wink as he walks into the kitchen. I blush and look down towards my plate, finishing the little food I had left.

I was the last one to finish, no surprise there. I pick up my plate and walk into the kitchen. I see Lamelo sitting on the counter, looking at his phone.

"Finally, you're done," he says, looking up and hopping off the counter.

"Sorry I don't eat as fast as you guys do," I chuckle, rinsing off my plate.

"Oh well, let's go up stairs now," he urges, grabbing my hand the second I turn off the faucet. I laugh while I follow him upstairs. He pulls me along with him the whole way there, and once we reach my room, he jerks me towards my bed. He lays down and pulls my on top of him.

"Finally, I can go back to bed," he mumbles into my neck. I slightly giggle while he moves around to get comfortable. Once he finished moving, he pulls me closer to him and closes his eyes.

"Night, babe," he whispers.

"It's not ni-," I start to correct him, but he put his finger to my mouth.

"Shh, just go to sleep," he demands. I, yet again, giggle, but close my eyes to take a nap with my boyfriend.

Do you even ball? ~Lamelo Ball~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz