Chapter 2

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"Hello Miss, my name is Macy, and this is my friend Paige, we are freshman and we were wondering if you had our schedules?"

"Yes I do, may I ask for your full names please?" The secretary asked.

"Mines Macy Hanson."

"And mines Paige Lloyd"

"Ok here we are, you guys have a good day now."

"Thank you," we both said.

As we were walking away, Paige and I started to compare or schedules.

"WHAT!?!? We only have four of our seven classes together!!! This is ridiculous, a rip off I tell you, how am I going to survive in the three classes we don't have together! And do they have to be the first three classes, like what is life!" Paige started to freak out as I chuckled.

"Paige, calm down, you'll be fine, we can see each other between classes, and then we get to end the day together, that's a plus isn't it?"

"Yea but you keep me sane in the mornings. I'm probably gonna be lashing out at people because they are trying to be to social at 8:30 in the morning, and you won't be there to keep me in line."

"If anything you'll probably be to tired to even comprehend what people are saying to you," I tell her while I laugh.

She sighed and then laughed along with me, "Yea, I guess you're right about that. We better get to class now since the bells have already rung."

"Yea, I'll see ya in a bit P."

"See ya M."

Luckily, the secretary provided us with maps along with our schedules so we wouldn't get lost. Okay so I take a left, and wait no it's a right, then a right, then a right... wait I think I went the wrong way, I was suppose to take a left back here and then go right. OK now I'm back on track, so that means that the door should be right about... Here. I arrived at the door and slowly opened it.

"The third classroom rule on your pap-, um hello, is there a reason as to why you are interrupting my class?" The man, in what looks to be his 40s, asked me.

"I'm so sorry sir, I got lost a little bit, earlier. So it kinda took me longer to get here than I planned."

"I'm guessing you're a freshman than. Am I right?"

"Yes, sir, I am a freshman."

"So you must be Macy Hanson."


"May I ask, what're you doing in a sophomore math class?"

"Um, I'm really good at math, so I've been in advanced math classes for a while now."

"Ok, well I'll let it slide this time, but just because you're a freshman, doesn't mean that you can be late whenever. Understood?"

"Yes, sir, I understand. It won't happen again. Promise."

"Ok, go take a seat next to Lamelo over there in the back, and take one of these with you," my teacher said as he handed me a piece of paper with the classroom rules on it.

As I was walking to my desk in the back, I was internally freaking out because I had my very first class of the day with LAMELO. I mean wouldn't anyone freak out just a little bit. Anyways as I sat down, I was honestly surprised that Lamelo started to talk to me. I mean I don't want to sound judgemental or anything, but wouldn't he be considered one of the popular kids here, so why would he be talking to me. Like, I know he helped me and Paige out earlier, but I thought that was just a one time thing.

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