Chapter 40

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Macy's P.O.V.

So, sadly, Lamelo ended up beating me at basketball. Only by 4 points though! And he said I couldn't catch up, psh. Again, we are in his room, watching a basketball game. I hear my phone buzz and I pick it up.

I got a Snapchat from Lamelo, who is sitting literally right next to me. I look over at him and just give him a look that says 'did you really just Snapchat me when I'm right here!?!?' He glances over at me, gaining a confused look on his face.

"What'd I do?" He asked.

"Did you really just send me a Snapchat when you are sitting right next to me?" I asked, bewildered.

"Oh," he said, slightly chuckling, "yea, I did." He gives me a proud, goofy smile and turns back towards the TV. I chuckle as I roll my eyes and open it.

It's an off guard picture of me and it's captioned, 'my baby's s'cute😍.' I smile to myself as I click off of it and take a picture of him without him noticing. I caption it, 'my baby's pretty cute too😍." I hit send and click my phone off.

I wait a little bit, until he grabs his phone, and looks at it. I see him give me a side look, and I look over towards him.

"What?" I ask, giving him an innocent smile.

"I know I'm cute, thanks though," he says, cockily.

"You're a doof," I tell him, giving him a slight shove.

"You're a bigger one," he shoots back.

"Nah, you're taller, therefore, you're a bigger one," I respond, smirking at him.

"You're just jealous of my hair," he says, running out of comebacks.

"You wish I was jealous of your noddle head, but in reality, your low-key jealous of mine," I shrug, looking back at the TV.

"Hey! My head ain't noodles, it's a masterpiece!" He shouts.

"Yea, a pasta masterpiece," I say, giving him a side smirk.

"Take that back," he whines.

"Or else what?" I challenge.

"I'll tickle you."

"You wouldn't," I test.

"Oh, but I would, and I will." Before I had time to get away, he gets on top of me and starts to tickle my sides.

"Lamelo, stahp!" I pant/laugh, trying to wiggle out of his grip.

"Not until you take it back!" He shouts, tickling me faster.

"NEEEVVVVEERRRR!!!" I shout. He continues to tickle me for a few more minutes, until we hear someone comment.

"Did I interrupt something or..." Lamelo stops and looks over his shoulder, seeing Lonzo awkwardly standing in the doorway.

"Boy, aren't ya supposed to be at college?" Lamelo asks while getting out of our position.

"Well, ya, I guess," Lonzo shrugs, walking in and sitting on Melo's bed.

"Than what're you doing here?" He asks.

"Boy, you're full of questions. Don't question me, I do what I want!" Zo answers, not having an actual answer to Lamelo's question. I laugh at his sass while I give him a side hug.

"Sup, lil Hanson," he greets.

"Sup, Redwood," I respond.

"Hey, don't you two have a game tomorrow?" He asks.

"Yea, it's a home one," Melo answers for both of us.

"Cool, I'm coming to watch lil Hanson ball it up."

"What about me!?!" Melo asks, giving Zo an offended look.

"Eh, I see you too much, I might leave before your game even starts," he teases, giving Lamelo a smirk.

"You're just jealous you can't ball like me," he defends.

"Yea, suuuuuure, cause I TOTALLY wanna ball like you do," Lonzo continues to tease, mimicking Lamelo's shooting form in the process.

"Aye, mine ain't as bad as yours!"

"Well at least mine looks cool."

"No it doesn't, it looks like your trying to block the sun from your eyes," Lamelo says while laughing.

"Yea, well yours looks like you are trying to fly away," Zo leans back, looking accomplished with his comeback.

"It does no-" I cut him off, amused, but getting bored of their bickering.

"Let's be honest here. Both it your shots look really... Interesting, but at least they still go in. I mean, not everyone can have perfect form like mwah," I finish, dusting off my shoulders like I just made a really hard shot look easy. They both look at me and just laugh.

"Shut yo ass up!" Zo says, grabbing the remote and turning up the volume.

Man, I love hanging out at their house.

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