Chapter 57

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Lamelo's P.O.V.

I am starting to get a little worried about O, he seems to have a lot on his mind. He's been getting really stressed lately about his relationship with Paige. Maybe Macy knows something about this. I want to see her anyway, so I guess I'll just head over.

I walk to my closet and grab a pair of shoes. I put them on and walk out of my room, heading down the stairs. I head towards the door, pulling it open as I hear someone say my name. Turning my head, I see Gelo standing behind me, giving me a confused look.

"Where are you going?" he asks, clicking is phone to sleep.

"I'm going to Macy's," I casually respond. He looks at me, silent for a few seconds, until he nods his head.

"And you are going to walk?"

"Yea, why?" I question, starting to get impatient.

"You just usually ask for a ride, that's all," he shrugs.

"Well I just feel like walking today," I state.

"Ok, well have fun," he finishes the conversation, walking up the stairs to what I'm assuming will be his room. I continue walking out the door, closing it behind me and making my way to Macy's house. The walk there usually takes between ten to twenty minutes, depending on how fast I walk, but I don't mind. It's nice out today, anyway.

I silently walk to her house, taking in my surrounding. I've never really noticed how nice it is around here. The eighteen minutes it took me to get there seemed to fly by. I walk up to her door, knocking a few times, and waiting for someone to answer the door. Macy has told me that she always knows when I come over because I knock instead of ringing her doorbell. I guess I just prefer knocking.

After my short wait, the door opens, revealing a tired looking Zeke. I give him a small smile while he opens the door further, allowing me to come in. Afterwards, he just walks off, I probably woke him up, cause he didn't look that happy. Oh well, it's 3:00 in the afternoon, he needed to get up sometime.

I'm guessing Macy is upstairs, so I start to make my way to her room. I knock lightly on her door, hearing a muffled come in. I open the door, popping my head into her room.

"Hey, babe! What's good?" I ask, making my way fully into her room.

"Hey, baby. Not much, just being lazy," she giggles. Gosh I love her giggling so much.

"Um, have you happened to talk to Paige anytime lately?" I questioned, deciding to get this part over with first.

"The last time I talked to her was yesterday, why?" she questions, giving me a confused look.

"Did she happen to mention anything about her and O?" I continue.

"No, just that she was texting him," she skeptically answers. "Why? What is this about? Did he say something to you?" she rambles.

"Well, actually yea, he did," I hesitantly answer. I'm starting to think that Paige hasn't talked to her about anything.

"What'd he say?" she urges, sitting up from her lying position.

"First off, I don't want to alarm you, cause I don't know how serious it is. I was just assuming that since he talked to me about stuff, maybe Paige talked to you. And second, he said that he feels like she is distancing herself from him. He thinks that she is starting to lose interest," I finish.

"What would make him think that, as far as I know they are doing fine," she states, still looking confused.

"I don't know, I was hoping you would. You said she was texting him yesterday, right?" I question, starting to think about yesterday.

"Yea, why?"

"When was she texting him?" I question, remembering that O was at my house most of the day, and he barely touched his phone.

"Around, 5-ish," she shrugs. "She looked pretty happy about talking to him, she couldn't keep a smile off her face."

"Mace, she wasn't texting O around 5," I state, now knowing that something is up.

"What makes you say that? Who else would she be texting?" she scoffed.

"She wasn't texting O, because he was at my house at that time, and he wasn't texting anyone, let alone touching his phone for that matter."

"So you're saying she was texting someone else?" I nod my head as Macy gets a hurt look on her face. "Why would she hide that from me? I'm her best friend! And why would she tell me it's O, when it wasn't! What is there to hide?"

"I know, Mace. It just looks like we are gonna have to have a talk with her tomorrow at school," I state, laying back on her bed.

"Yea, I wanna know what she's up to. Hopefully she isn't talking to someone else, it just doesn't seem like her," she finishes, laying down next to me, and cuddling into my side.

"Agreed, I guess we'll just have to see," I blow out a sigh, knowing that tomorrow is just gonna be a stressful day for everyone.



Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I got busy. I'm just updating once today. It's starting to get harder to update twice with it being the end of the school year and all. My updates might not be every other day now, but I will try my hardest. :)

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