Chapter 16

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Macy's P.O.V.

I'm sitting in Lamelo's room, on my phone, waiting for him to finish making us some popcorn for the movie. As I'm scrolling through Instagram, I feel something being thrown at me.  I look behind me and see Melo standing in the doorway, with a smirk on his face.

"Can I help you?" I ask him, sassily.

"You're in my spot," he says, like I was suppose to already know that.

"Well, I'm comfy, so I'm not moving," I say, being the stubborn person I am.

"Don't worry, you don't have to move. I'll move you for you."

"Have fun with that," I say, as I go back to looking through my phone.

In less than five seconds, I feel hands on my waist, pulling me up and out of my comfortable position.

"What're you doing!" I exclaim while laughing.

"I told you I was going to move you," he says, matter-of-factly.

He throws me like a foot over from where I was previously laying, and sits in "his" spot.

"Wooooooooooow, I see how it is," I say, looking away from him.

All he does is look at me, smirks, and turns his head towards the TV, starting the movie.

As the movie started, I sat up and got comfortable. About half way through the movie, I saw movement to my side, and glanced over there. It was easy to tell that Lamelo started scooting closer to me, but i don't mind. I like being next to him.

Not to long after Melo scooted closer to me, I felt his leg pressed against mine. I guess he just kept moving closer and closer.

I glanced up at him to see him already looking at me, smiling. I smiled back, and then he turned back to the movie. I looked at him for a little longer, admiring.

I really wish he liked me like I do him, but he probably doesn't. He just sees me as a friend, it's obvious. He never even talks about girls, so he must not be to worried about them. I don't mind though, that just means that I don't have any competition, at the moment.

I turn my head, going back to watching the movie.


"That was a good movie," I say, as the credits start rolling on the screen.

"Yea, it was. I still can't believe we've never seen it," Lamelo responds, shaking his head at me.

"What can I say, I don't watch movies that often," I defend, shrugging my shoulders.

"Fair enough. Wanna go play 1 on 1?"

"Melo, it's like 11:30 at night."

"We have a light out back, so we'll be good," he responded, while slipping his shoes on.

"Ok, whatever, I'm coming," I say, as I grab my shoes to put on.

"Hurry up, you're slow," he said, mocking me.

"Shut up," I say, laughing, as I follow him out of his doorway.

He flips on a switch before we walk outside, and heads towards where they keep their basketballs.

"Let the game begin!" He shouts, as he tosses me the ball.


He's winning, 35-29, and he has the ball. As he's going up for a layup, I put my arms up and he run into me. Sadly, he still made the basket.

"Get off of me!" I shouted while laughing, because he landed on top of me.

He chuckled and stood up, offering me his hand, so he can help me up.

I grab his hand, and he pulls me up. I give him and smile, and he just stares into my eyes. Of course, I stare back.

We stare at each other for a few seconds, then I see his eyes move down to my lips, and back to my eyes. He looks at me for a few more seconds, and then he starts to slowly lean in.

Oh my gosh! Is Lamelo going to kiss me!?!?

He kept inching closer and closer. Just when I could feel his breath on my lips, someone just HAD to interrupt us.

"Hey, what're you guys doing out here so la-" Gelo stopped mid-sentence, finally looking up and seeing Melo and I.

Melo looked down into my eyes, and sighed.
"Nothing, we were just playing 1 on 1," he responds, backing away.

"You sure? Cause it kinda looked like I interrupted something, and if I did, I'm truly sorry. I'm not trying to be a cockblock, ya know?" Gelo says, smirking.

I started to blush ferociously, as I looked down, trying to hide it.

"Shut up!" Melo exclaims, defensively.

Is he blushing. Aww, that's cute.

Do you even ball? ~Lamelo Ball~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن